Nutrition Buddies



This is an unenergetic post because I am tired, stressed, and have a mountain of stuff to do before Friday. I'm attending school during the summer, working, and taking Dad to his doctor appts. I fell behind in my work and two days of not waking up from my nap has made things worse so my nutrition goals have dissolved this week.

Hope you guys are having a better week and I hope someone wants to post a new goal. I'm going to keep plugging at this and regroup for next week.

Better, but not great.

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-00 AT 11:06AM (EST)</font></center>

I am doing better. I haven't had piles of cookies every day. OK, I have really been doing pretty well. I find that if I get enough sleep, I don't feel hungry all the time. Of course, that isn't as easy as it sounds. I do believe that both of my children are over their ear infections, but who knows, we could have a surprise anytime, couldn't we.
I think for our next goal, I would like to cut down on nighttime eating. Let's say, pick a tiime, and not eat after it. For me, that would be 7:30-8:00 pm, as we often eat dinner really late. That's when my husband comes home, so we wait for him. Even so, I still often snack later than that- usually after seeing him do so. I would like to stop that, and I guess that if I find myself truly hungry, allow myself something actually healthy-fruit, or a salad.

New Goal


We aren't going to be able to synchronize our stressors to be successful in our new goals at the same time. I wish! You had a great week BLinda! Now, I have some inspiration to get me going. The new goal sounds like a good one. Sometimes I eat too much in the morning and don't save enough calories for the evening. From a past diet book I picked up the term "safe fruit." You pick one fruit that you will always have around and eat that if you are hungry at night or pior to a cheat. Most likely, you'll be too full to eat chocolate. I like oranges or have sometimes made red grapefruit my safe fruit.

Gotta freeze some water bottles up like Andrea does tonight.

Sorry to say....

that I am dropping out of the nutrition check in. I need daily encouragement and this is not helping me. I am great for the first day, and then my enthusiasm and determination falters. Good luck to all of you, hope you reach your goals. I need to lose these last 5 pounds, so my friend and I decided to become each others' "nutrition buddies"

We'll be rooting for you Larysa!

My goal is actually the opposite of this weeks! I try to eat something (half of an energy bar or candy bar) before bed. It helps to keep me from getting too sick in the morning. And to think I'll be forcing myself to eat and you will be using much willpower to withstand it. Life is strange. till next week.....
That's how I started-

while I was pregnant, I needed to eat something at night, and I have been nursing all along now, so I haven't been too hard on myself, but I think it's time now. If I am wrong, then I will wait till I am done nursing.
Good Luck Larysa!


I'm glad you found a buddy! Whatever works for you. Keep us posted, though. I would love to hear that you succeeded picking up new, healthy habits. If your friend's enthusiasm fails, I'm sure we can figure something out for you. Good Luck!!!


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