Crosstraining Series and Body for Life


I posted this same question on VF, but am doing it here to get more responses. I am planning on starting the Body for Life program after Labor Day and am thinking of doing the Crosstraining series 6 days a week. Do you think that should be enough? The book talks about doing only 3 days of cardio for 20 minutes and 3 days of weight work for 45 minutes, so this will incorporate both. Also, any of you 40 and over crowd tried BFL and have had success with it? I noticed that in the book, there is not much talk of 40 and over females who have done the program. What do you think?

This is exactly what I've started doing this week. I'm using the express video's 6 days a week with Meaner ....oops, I mean Leaner.... Legs being on Saturday and then taking Sunday off. I'm thinking of doing this for about 8 weeks and then switching back to 3 days cardio 3 days weights for 8 weeks. That should provide pretty good shock value for my system.

I'm not in the over 40 crowd yet so I can't help you with that.

Hi Larysa! I tried BFL ...

and attempted to do it strictly as he wrote it in his book - right down to timing the intervals between exercises as he suggests. I made only very slight progress with his program, but have made huge gains when I began with my FIRM tapes, gradually substituting Cathe tapes for more intensity (both in cardio and weights)as I got stronger. Also, I recall that he stated somewhere in the book that while you don't have to use all the supplements he suggests (and sells), that you will get better results that way. The only supplement I feel comfortable using is my soy protein powder; I love my soy shakes. Hope this feedback is of some help! I wish you the greatest success with your program. I will be rooting for you! Donna.
BFL with modifications

I guess I "sort of" follow the BFL program, and did before I read about it. I really subscribe to the eating schedule, but I eat 5 times a day instead of 6. It's all about fueling all day long, and not letting yourself get hungry. I also am incorporating the CTX series for my exercise program...I like the idea of shorter cardio, but more often than Mr. BFL requires.

I have also started to use Myoplex Lite only once a day in the afternoon to get me fueled for an afternoon workout. It seems to work fine, and keeps old man hunger away for about 2-1/2 hours. My philosophy is that you have to do what works for you, and fine tune and tweak those programs to suit you. BFL is written on paper, not in stone!!!

Larry North's program is very similar, and his "authorized" food list is more expansive. I would recommend reading both programs, and taking what suits you from both.
What is Larry North's program?


I was just curious as to the Larry North program you referred to. Is it in a book? How can I find out more about it?

I'm with you, I think taking what works for you is the best way to go. I like where you said that the BFL program is written on paper, not stone. That was good

Isn't Larry North

the guy who does The Great North American Slimdown? That's an infomercial isn't it? I thought it made some sense what he was saying, if this is the guy I'm thinking about.
His name is Bill Phillips

Larry North wrote another book I believe. Thanks for all of your great advice. I plan on doing the Crosstraining tapes, eat small meals throughout the day and use Myoplex once a day. I will let you know how it goes!!!
Too much impact for me.

Good luck to all of you who can do those high impact workouts every single day, but I know that this over 40 gal can't. I know that any gains that I would get from such a program would be offset by injuries from all that impact. For that reason I like to alternate cardio and strength.
Hi Jane

Some of the moves are too high impact for me too, especially the jumping plyos, so I modify by doing jumping jacks. That has become my "mantra"...modify, modify, modify!

I really cracked up when I read MEANER..I MEAN LEANER LEGS!!! I ordered the 8 tapes yesterday, yeay!! Can't wait to see how mean it really is!! Thanks for the laugh!
Larry North


I am new to this board (just discovered Cathe tapes) and wanted to say hello and give you some info on Larry North. He does have the Great American Slimdown and at least 2 or 3 books. I sort of tried the Slimdown and bought his two latest books, neither of which I have read. Basically, the Slimdown involves journaling what you eat and when you eat. It is supposed to help you to eat more meals a day and there is a little guide that tells you which foods you can pick from 3 categories (he has them labelled as red, white, and blue). He also provides audio tapes with info and motivation for each day (21 days total). I have also tried Body for Life, and from both angles, it seems like they are very similar (eat more meals in day, but select what you eat from the 3 categories of foods). I am trying to trade the Larry North program and his books along with the Body for Life stuff I have over at VF since I don't need them anymore. If anyone has any questions, let me know and I will see if I can help.

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