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  1. L

    Any non-kickboxing-people done Cathe's kickbox yet?

    My 2 cents worth... I tried Taebo also and frankly, I hated it. I wound up giving away the tapes to a friend cuz I thought they were so boring. Cardio Kicks was the first tape I tried and I absolutely loved it! I felt like some kind of macho woman standing in my family room kicking and...
  2. L


    I thot I'd contribute my .02 here as well. My 5 yr old son has an ankle that rolls to the inside - causing him to toe in slightly on the one foot. We took him to an orthopedic surgeon who suggested that we have an insert made for him. (He is in no pain but is very athletic and we didn't want...
  3. L

    Thank You

    Dear Susan, I read these posts with tears in my eyes. Your courage and bravery are inspiring to all of us. I can only hope that if I were faced with your challenges I would be up to the task. There are a couple of other things I would like to point out to you since I haven't seen them...
  4. L

    Interval Max ~ Maxed me out!

    10th Interval Cheer Myra - Love it! I'm gonna try yelling next time. I'm inspired just to think you have strength to yell by the 10th interval. Those flying jumps really kill me (in truth, they're probably closer to pathetic little hops). Thanks for making me laugh! I don't think I'll be...
  5. L

    Interval Max ~ Maxed me out!

    ROFL!! You guys are cracking me up! I still avoid IMAX unless I KNOW I'm gonna have a really good day! I've often thot maybe I should just dial 911 ahead of time and put em on standby! I was beginning to think I was the only Cathe fan that couldn't handle all of this one! Just out of...
  6. L

    Sit 'n Stand Question

    Thanks everbody! I really appreciate all the input. I did the legs tape again yesterday and as suggested, lowered my weights. I dropped down from my 25lb barbell to 2 8lb dumbbells. This worked much better for me. I checked my form carefully and I think in order to get up with the barbell...
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    Sit 'n Stand Question

    Thanks Nancy!! I'll take your advice and lower the weights til I get the required strength to do 'em right. It feels so awkward to me that I wasn't sure it was even possible to do sit and stands without my knees going too far! My form on squats is good so I'll use that as a guide. Thanks...
  8. L

    Sit 'n Stand Question

    <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-00 AT 10:08PM (EST)</font></center> I'm new here (been lurking) so "HI" everyone! My question is: When doing sit and stands should my knee be over my ankle while in the "hold" position? I seem to have a really hard time keeping my...