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  1. C

    All Body Blast Video Clips are now Up

    still no clips I tried those things suggested under - I have a PC but can't view the clips. The settings of media player were already what was listed. It didn't help. I still get the same error message as in my previous post. I believe I have Media Player 9 - the latest version.
  2. C

    All Body Blast Video Clips are now Up

    None of your video clips work for me. As soon as I click on the 56k connection speed I get an error message saying file does not have a program associated with it. Then I get an error message saying IE cannot open this helper application for mms:// The protocol specified...
  3. C

    Three Video Clips are Now Up

    To SNM - I would really like a reply to my previous post about your video clips not working. I can see clips from other sites just fine. Thanks, Catnap
  4. C

    Three Video Clips are Now Up

    None of your video clips work for me. As soon as I click on the 56k connection speed I get an error message saying file does not have a program associated with it. Then I get an error message saying IE cannot open this helper application for mms:// The protocol specified...
  5. C

    New Video Poll

    RE: Kettlebell? How about a kettlebell workout - now that would be something completely different. And if you did it, maybe with modifications using a dumbell instead of a kettlebell.
  6. C

    Video clips not working

    RE: Clips trouble Well I'm not going to upgrade Media Player. It's just not worth the trouble. My computer is pretty old and like I mentioned - before my major major crash I had the "new and improved " media player which just never did work right. As a result of that crash I do not upgrade...
  7. C

    Video clips not working

    RE: Clips trouble I am using IE 5.0 and a very old version of Media player. I used to have a newer version before my "great computer crash" but it gave me nothing but trouble. Tonight I got to see still pics of Cardio & Weights with good audio but no pics of bootcamp or muscle endurance. The...
  8. C

    Video clips not working

    RE: Clips trouble GRRRR! Still can't see clips - dark and stormy icon on Media Player. My connection is 56k.
  9. C

    Video clips not working

    RE: Clips trouble Thank you for doing that but aw geez - I still can't see the clips. Last night I did get to see a series of still pics while the audio went smoothly on - Now at the bottom of Media Player the little icon was very cloudy so I figured I'd run into high internet traffic. Tonight...
  10. C

    How to switch weights quick in PLB

    RE: How I switch weights quick in PLB Well I have been lucky for many many years - how long have I owned a barbell - at least - gulp - 12 years or more. I have done many types of workouts including Firm and heavy weights on my weight bench (which does have a rack to hold it). So maybe I had a...
  11. C

    How to switch weights quick in PLB

    RE: How I switch weights quick in PLB I can do it quicker than Cathe and crew -How? - I don't use collars except on the 2 heaviest weights - 10 pounders -that I never take off my barbell. So I have quickslip collars holding those on and just add lighter weights outside those collars with no...
  12. C

    Video clips not working

    RE: Clips trouble Thanks for the info but it doesn't help. My security is Medium, I have IE5.0 and Windows 98. I now see a bunch of threads from others who also cannot access the clips. Like them I can get audio but no video. So I think maybe you should make the clips more accessible since many...
  13. C

    Video clips not working

    The error message I get is decompressor not working - there is no option to put in codes. When I clicked on Microsoft help it came up "page unavailable". Typical Microsoft huh. Maybe I should try to install media plaer again?
  14. C

    Video clips not working

    The video clips I tried (Boot Camp, ME,Cardio & Weights) don't work. I get an error message. It's strange because the other night Boot Camp did work but the others didn't. Tonight none of them work. I use IE and have a very old version of media player. Long ago before my big computer crash I...
  15. C

    Holiday Haters Speak Out!

    K60 - totally agree with your comments about "family", kids (don't have em, don't want em and don't like em)and Christmas. Is it over yet!!
  16. C

    Incline pushups - why are they so hard for me?

    This is my first post in ages (though I lurk alot) - I can't believe what I thought were my user name and password actually worked. Anyway regarding pushups - I can do regular floor pushups on my toes - no problem. I can do decline pushups with my feet raised on a step - not as many as flat but...
  17. C

    Suggestions? - Upper Body Split

    60 min of pyramid up, down or side to side - just kidding. One thing I would really like to see is rotator cuff exercises. This area is ignored almost all strength videos and since I have had shoulder problems off and on I would really like to see these since if they are not in a video I...
  18. C

    Sliplock Collars or similar...where to buy?

    Haslina - I am interested in buying your extra collars. I have tried unsuccessfully for many weeks to find Bollinger sliplock collars for sale. The sad truth is - no website or store (the guy on Ebay is not selling them now)has them. Please email me at [email protected] if you still want to...
  19. C

    2nd DVD feeback request...

    Heavily for Option 1 I vote heavily for Option 1 with the 2 new workouts (Rhythmic Step & Power Hour)on 1 DVD. The bottom line is I won't buy them if they're mixed with old workouts that I already have or don't want.
  20. C

    DVD Feedback Wanted

    Hi Cathe, This is my first time posting though I have lurked occasionally and am a longtime Cathe tape user. I just wanted to add my input regarding your DVD's. I wish you wouldn't mix old and new workouts on the same DVD. For instance, I do not want want Interval Max (too hi impact) and found...