Video clips not working


The video clips I tried (Boot Camp, ME,Cardio & Weights) don't work. I get an error message. It's strange because the other night Boot Camp did work but the others didn't. Tonight none of them work. I use IE and have a very old version of media player. Long ago before my big computer crash I had a new version of Media player and had all sorts of trouble with it so now I am sticking with old version. Any help would be appreciated.
You need to install the newest codecs for media player or install the newest version of media player. The reason you could play the clips yesterday and not todat, is we installed a newer version of the "Boot Camp" video clip last night.
When you try to play the "Boot Camp" media clip your player should give you an error message and then ask you if you want to install the required codecs. Just click yes and your player will then work.
The error message I get is decompressor not working - there is no option to put in codes. When I clicked on Microsoft help it came up "page unavailable". Typical Microsoft huh. Maybe I should try to install media plaer again?
RE: Microsoft Says

I researched your error on Microsofts site: Here is what they say...

When you try to play a file with Microsoft Windows Media Player and the required decompressor is not installed on the computer, you may receive one of the following error messages:

Unable to download an appropriate decompressor. (Error=80040200)

One or more codecs required to open this content could not be found. (Error=C00D10D1)
This behavior can occur for any of the following reasons:
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.02 or later is not installed on your computer. Internet Explorer is required to install decompressors, which are files that enable you to play multimedia content. Although Internet Explorer is required to download decompressors, it does not have to be set up as the default browser.
Your Internet security options are set too high to enable decompressors to be downloaded.
Installation of the decompressor requires a restart of your computer but no restart occurred.
The codec required to play the file is missing or damaged.
You may be playing a file format that is not supported by Windows Media Player.
A sound device (audio driver) is not installed.
To install the latest version of Internet Explorer on your computer, go to the following Microsoft Web site:

NOTE: Internet Explorer 5 is included with Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition. Do not try to reinstall Internet Explorer 5 in Windows 98 Second Edition.
To lower the Internet security level to Medium, follow these steps:
Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
Double-click Internet.
On the Security tab, click Internet.
Under Security Level For This Zone, move the slider to Medium or lower.
Click OK.
Restart your computer and try to play the file again.
RE: Clips trouble

Thanks for the info but it doesn't help. My security is Medium, I have IE5.0 and Windows 98. I now see a bunch of threads from others who also cannot access the clips. Like them I can get audio but no video. So I think maybe you should make the clips more accessible since many cannot view them. I had no trouble with the older clips though it's been awhile since I viewed them. I can view clips on other websites with no problem. I also have Real Player and I think most people do. How about making the clips work on Real Player?
RE: Clips trouble

We have now re-encoded all the clips with the same codec we used on most of the older clips. This should solve most of the reported problems.
RE: Clips trouble

Thank you for doing that but aw geez - I still can't see the clips. Last night I did get to see a series of still pics while the audio went smoothly on - Now at the bottom of Media Player the little icon was very cloudy so I figured I'd run into high internet traffic. Tonight the little icon was very very cloudy with a lightening bolt and I got no picture (just the Windows thingies doing their thing) and good sound. Are you trying to send us in the sunny (temp in the 70's)Bay Area your winter snow storm LOL. The older clips worked fine- probably cause no one is watching those.
Okay, this is weird. I can't view IMAX2 on the 200 speed (although I can view the others at that speed without problems), but I can see it just fine when I click on l00 speed. Maybe there's a glitch??? Wondering if this might help with the problems some people are having.
RE: Clips trouble

GRRRR! Still can't see clips - dark and stormy icon on Media Player. My connection is 56k.
That indicates to me that you need to upgrade your player or your players codecs. All the clips were encoded using a 7.1 codec, except Imax 2, which uses an 8.0 codec. 8.0 codecs will work on any 7.1 player or above. The current version of media player is 9.0. What vesion of Media Player are you using???
RE: Clips trouble

I am using IE 5.0 and a very old version of Media player. I used to have a newer version before my "great computer crash" but it gave me nothing but trouble. Tonight I got to see still pics of Cardio & Weights with good audio but no pics of bootcamp or muscle endurance. The media player icon showed clouds with a lightening bolt - a sign of high internet traffic? My connection is 56k.
RE: Clips trouble

You're going to need to upgrade your media player to at least 7.1 for the clips to play properly. I think IE 5.0 may be okay, but I'm not sure. Are you able to upgrade??
RE: Clips trouble

Well I'm not going to upgrade Media Player. It's just not worth the trouble. My computer is pretty old and like I mentioned - before my major major crash I had the "new and improved " media player which just never did work right. As a result of that crash I do not upgrade anything anymore until I get a new computer. It is strange though because I can play the older clips just fine.

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