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  1. D

    Clean Eating Check-In

    How many times per week are we going to report our progress? Will you start a new thread each week? I am getting off to a rocky start. Cookies are my culprit. It's mind over matter. Just because it's available, I know I don't have to eat it. I just gave in today. Tomorrow is a fresh new...
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    Clean Eating Check-In

    Count me in. I need to get started. I need to lose forty pounds. Today is as good a day as any to get started. I need to be held accountable.
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    16 weeks max w/l rotation?

    Hi Jodi, Give me your email address and I will forward the rotation to you. Amy
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    Sixteen Week Maximum Weight Loss Rotation

    Thanks for your help!!!!
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    Sixteen Week Maximum Weight Loss Rotation

    Hi Cathe! I wanted to know of the existing ones that I have which ones are the closet match. I can tell you right now that I am going to get good results with any of your tapes. The intensity is out of this world. It's what I need to get myself in shape. You are a great instructor. Thanks...
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    Sixteen Week Maximum Weight Loss Rotation

    Cathe, What tapes can be substituted for Power Max and Body Max? I have Step Works(VHS), CTX series, PS Series, Rhythmic Step series and Cardio Kicks/Max(all on DVD). I figure I will substitute Step Works for Step Fit. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks, Amy
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    PLEASE READ: Rotations Have Been Sent Out

    I have not received the rotations yet, either. Please email to [email protected] or [email protected] Thanks
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    PLEASE READ: Rotations Have Been Sent Out

    Kathy, Would you please email me the rotations at [email protected]? Thanks.