Clean Eating Check-In


I checked the archives and haven't seen this for a while, so I'm starting a new one. (Hope I'm not stepping on any toes!)

I'm starting tomorrow, and DH and I just had a blow-out meal at Chili's to say good-bye to all that junk.

I have no problem exercising, but eating clean is a real problem. I eat when I'm bored - especially at work.

So, starting tomorrow:

1.) I'm bringing zero money to work so I can't eat out of the vending machines.

2.) I am brown-bagging it and I will NOT go out to lunch (even if eating at Subway isn't "that bad", as I always tell myself).

3.) The only acceptable dessert or sweet snack will be fruit.

By the way, I'm about to spend the rest of the day reading Maximum Food Power for Women, which I ordered from on the advice of one of the wise women on this board. I hope I am inspired!

Anyone else care to make a commitment to eating clean this week?
Always, but only six days a week. On the seventh day, get out of my way! I really stick to it, and never go off track since I have that goodie day to look forward to.
Count me in. I need to get started. I need to lose forty pounds. Today is as good a day as any to get started. I need to be held accountable.
Count me in too! I do not have a problem with exercise either but sweets and eating during TV is my biggest temptation(besides chocolate of course!). My snack is usually a slimfast snack bar (they taste like a twix bar) I will also brown bag it and not buy anything at the vending machine. I need to increase my water intake as well.
Good luck to all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Count me in too! I do not have a problem with exercise either but sweets and eating during TV is my biggest temptation(besides chocolate of course!). My snack is usually a slimfast snack bar (they taste like a twix bar) I will also brown bag it and not buy anything at the vending machine. I need to increase my water intake as well.
Good luck to all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Count me in too! I do not have a problem with exercise either but sweets and eating during TV is my biggest temptation(besides chocolate of course!). My snack is usually a slimfast snack bar (they taste like a twix bar) I will also brown bag it and not buy anything at the vending machine. I need to increase my water intake as well.
Good luck to all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Count me in too! I do not have a problem with exercise either but sweets and eating during TV is my biggest temptation(besides chocolate of course!). My snack is usually a slimfast snack bar (they taste like a twix bar) I will also brown bag it and not buy anything at the vending machine. I need to increase my water intake as well.
Good luck to all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Count me in too! I do not have a problem with exercise either but sweets and eating during TV is my biggest temptation(besides chocolate of course!). My snack is usually a slimfast snack bar (they taste like a twix bar) I will also brown bag it and not buy anything at the vending machine. I need to increase my water intake as well.
Good luck to all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Count me in too! Exercise isn't the problem. Clean eating is really hard for me, especially since I really don't know what to eat besides fruits and vegetables. I don't have a lot of time to cook things so does anyone have ideas for food that you can buy at a regular grocery store that is quick and simple? I really have to start eating better and maybe that middle fat will go away. This will be great-this check in.
OK, this will be tough, but I'm in. I eat very clean, always have actually, but when it comes to simple sugars, I'm like an addict. I don't eat large volumes of it, but I have it every day and I know I would be better off without it. So, here I go...
OK, this will be tough, but I'm in. I eat very clean, always have actually, but when it comes to simple sugars, I'm like an addict. I don't eat large volumes of it, but I have it every day and I know I would be better off without it. So, here I go...
Count me in too!!!! I have been trying really hard to eat very clean, and this will help. I totally went off the wagon on Sat. Tomorrow is my b-day(39), and I celebrated on sat. My husband made me brownies and ice cream. MMMMMM...was it good!!! After that I said good-bye to junk!!! I started out Sunday with Power Strikes 2, and I committed. I just got Bob Arnot's Revolutionary weight Control, and I have been reading Body RX too. I also started Marlene's Tank Top Rotation this morning. Another problem I have is changing rotations too soon. I have to stick to this for 12 weeks. I am going to buy myself something special if I do!!
Lori S.
Happy Birthday dsaxton! I will be 39 in September, so I'm right behind you. Enjoy the last year of your "late thirties"!

I'm posting so soon because the first few days are the hardest.

I hope you are all doing well! It helps to be accountable, doesn't it? Yesterday I stuck with my clean eating EXCEPT for way too many BBQ Baked Lay's potato chips when I got home from a long day. But it's better than "real" potato chips, right?

I felt good about sticking to my plan even though DH was out of town and I got some not-so-good medical news yesterday (herniated disk, which I have another post on). It was because of you guys that I stayed on track!

I figure it's especially important for me to eat clean given that my exercise program (especially weight work) is probably going to be cut way back for the foreseeable future.
How many times per week are we going to report our progress? Will you start a new thread each week? I am getting off to a rocky start. Cookies are my culprit. It's mind over matter. Just because it's available, I know I don't have to eat it. I just gave in today. Tomorrow is a fresh new start.
A once-a-week check in seems right to me. Unless you want to report progress/lack of progress more often!

Remember: "You are not behind. Just jump in where you are."
Did anyone have a perfect clean eating week? Because I certainly didn't.

I did eat more vegetables than usual and I brown-bagged it three out of five days. That's the good news.

Unfortunately, dinner at some friends' and the discovery that Skinny Cow makes Peanut Butter and Mint flavored ice cream sandwiches (only 130 calories!) in addition to plain vanilla kept me from my vow not to eat sweets.

I would say I did moderately well. Tomorrow I start all over with good intentions.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-02 AT 07:14AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi! Count me in (again). Funniest scale was so rude to me this must not like Mondays either. Lately I feel like I should be checking in to the "Clean Plate Check-in"! But, I'm up for the challenge again! I was doing so well and then suddenly...I got the stomach flu, and then a UTI and then I went on vacation, you know how it is! Anyway, my goals are to restart my food journal which has slacked off the past month or so and cutting out late night snacking. Breakfast and lunch are usually no problem for me, but dinner time/evening, man, it's tough!

Here's a good breakfast idea that incorporates protein, low fat and fiber....Fat Free cottage cheese sprinkled/mixed with Fiber One cereal. I found Fiber One to be a tad sweeter and definitely more palatable than All Bran.

Maybe we could share a "weekly" clean eating idea???

Good Luck everyone!!

I need this too!!!!

As others have said - the exercise I love!! But I also love to eat w/out restriction!! UGH!!! It's down to the nitty gritty stage for me too! Those last 10-15 pounds that would really reveal the hard work of my exercise!

Well, I'm starting today too - back to the WW points and journal!! Careful of those sweets!! Check with you guys again soon!!
cookbook recommendations

I bought a couple of cookbooks this spring that have lots of healthy recipes (with good nutritional details for those using a journal). Weight Watchers "Make it in Minutes" is great for the culinary challenged, time deprived or even a food snob like myself. It has quite a few vegetarian recipes too or at least ones that are modifiable.

Second, Moosewood's "New Classics". While this does have some fish recipes, it is primarily a vegetarian cookbook. But a carnivore could use it for side dishes using unfamiliar whole grains, vegies, etc. Good ideas for sneaking soy products into the diet too. This is not a Mollie Katzen cookbook. It's also much better than the Moosewood Low Fat Cookbook.

I'm surprised Honeybunch didn't post it - but a food diary is the best way to clean up your eating. And the best part of clean eating is how good you feel.


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