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  1. J

    Ever had a shoulder injury?

    Hi, Laurie. Thanks for the advice. Still hurting over a week later, I am thinking I should see a doctor. I am still so frustrated by this. I am not new to lifting at all and don't really know what I did wrong. I am thinking that maybe just too much as there seems to be alot of shoulder work...
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    Ever had a shoulder injury?

    Thanks for the reply, Susan. I always knew that I wasn't even close to as strong as Cathe. It is encouraging to know you were better in a few weeks and that you did other things while you were recovering. It's already starting to feel a little better. Thanks. Jackie
  3. J

    Ever had a shoulder injury?

    I did Push/Pull the other day and afterward I had shoulder pain. There was no particular point during the workout that I felt I hurt something. Just felt it afterward and ever since. I am trying to just take Motrin and rest it but I am dying to get on the treadmill or something....I'm...
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    Step lovers talk to me

    I rarely post but just had to disagree with the Step Fit suggestion. I have heard people say over and over again that there are parts of this workout they never did get! I started with How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding and really loved it, however it might not be enough of a challenge for...
  5. J

    Your Fashion Pet Peeves

    OH! You brought me out of lurking with this one! I've never heard the mullet described as "business in the front, party in the back"! That one will defininitely be passed on to all my friends! Okay, so here are mine: when men wear sweat socks with dress shoes, and the socks are all...
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    I tried to share Cathe with friends

    Had to share my pain! I have a group of friends who rotate babysitting and go to the gym here on the army post we live on. We are lucky to have access to an aerobic room with a tv and vcr/dvd player, so if I don't feel like hitting the treadmill and machines, I can always bring Cathe. I...
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    BFL Check-in Wk 2 Continued......

    Hi, all! I've been reading the threads for the past 2 weeks, and thought I would join in with ya'll. It's so funny...I did a search on BFL a few weeks back and didn't bother to check the current threads on the forum, and it pulled up all this. So instead of lurking, I wanted to join you, if...
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    very O/T: ? about sex drive

    Just wanted to comment about how great this board is. I posted anonymously a few years ago because I was hoping to find some support, some suggestions, and a feeling that I am not alone over on VF. I have struggled with this problem since the birth of my first child at only 20 years old 8...
  9. J

    Birth Control Pills and weight gain

    Hello, everyone. Thanks so much for your suggestions. It helps top know that I am not the only one who has had these reactions to hormones. I will call my doctor and ask him to change my rx. I hope that it helps. I'm getting pretty hard to live with. Thanks again! Jackie
  10. J

    Birth Control Pills and weight gain

    Hey, everyone. I was wondering what your experiences with this are. I always gain about 7 lbs on the pill, and right now I am on Ortho Tri-Cyclen, and this time is no exception. I've asked my dr about it, and two different drs have told me just to make sure I watch my calorie consumption...
  11. J

    Thanks Everyone...Think Fit...Think Fun...

    RE: Think Fit...Think Fun...Think Rhonda! Hey, Rhonda! Haven't posted on this board for a while, but when I saw your post, I had to reply! Something totally OT.....My husband has loved ever since I popped in my first Cathe 3 years ago (WOW! WHO IS THAT!?) So every time he is around and I'm...
  12. J

    Maybe OT: ? about head circumference

    Hey, thanks, guys!! I feel much better a few days later and your encouragement helps. I actually lost sleep over this thinking that something happened when she fell out of my bed a month ago(I've since stopped letting her sleep in my bed!) She is beautiful to me, and I'm just grateful to have...
  13. J

    Maybe OT: ? about head circumference

    I 'm posting this b/c I don't know who else to ask, I went to Babycenter and there was nothing there but a bunch of Moms obsessing about a few lbs and inches on the growth chart. My daughter turned a year today and I took her to her checkup. She is in the 50th percentile for weight and...
  14. J

    Help me slim my waist!!

    Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions. I try to incorporate more than just step into my cardio routine weekly, usually with hi/lo and kickboxing. It's CTX for now. Although I've noticed that CTX is more step than anything else, not a real lot of hi/lo, wonder how much of the cross-train...
  15. J

    Help me slim my waist!!

    I am SOOO frustrated! I have been eating pretty well, working out using CTX as my latest rotation and before that I did a PS rotation. I've been fairly consistent for 6 months now and NOTHING is happening. I've lost inches everywhere else, so now my jeans are baggy in the butt and thighs but...
  16. J

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi, Cathe, I haven't had time to get over here in a while and I didn't get to post a congratulations to your the original message (Cathe had baby). So congratulations! So happy for you. That picture brought tears to my eyes recalling those first sweet moments with my babies. Enjoy them, and...
  17. J

    Help a novice-Catheite?

    It would help to know what you've been doing in the past year to help you choose the best videos for you. I started with the Wedding Video myself a few years ago after using basically Tae-Bo and the Firm. It's an excellent place to start. You won't be too overwhelmed with the choreography in...
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    Flu and rotations

    Hi, Cathe! Hope you are feeling okay. Those last weeks are so exciting and exhausting, aren't they? Just a quick question for ya (okay, maybe two!) I started a rotation with PS 6 weeks ago now planning to do a 12 week rotation. I got the flu the 3rd week in and had to take a week off. When...
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    Where to find extra risers?

    Hi, everyone! I just started with the PS and CTX series and noticed that Cathe does step ups similar to the Firm's tall box presses. I have used that rubbermaid toolbox forever with the Firm and could never quite figure out why I always felt it so much more in my quads than gluts. Well...
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    Thanks, Suzanne. I'll check it out the next time I go shopping, probably better than raisin bran. I know it has too much sugar, but I love the stuff! Jackie