very O/T: ? about sex drive

Anna, I just read your post and couldn't agree more. Thanks for pointing this out. (Linda too - post below). We have to go back to having some fun, enjoying each other, dating again. That's tough to make time for with children, but we make time for Cathe don't we???

For me, sex drive always seemed to peak at ovulation. Or is my husband just more handsome on days 14 to 28? That's may be nautures way of ensure our species proliferates! We are bombarded by environmental substances that have an estrogenic affect and they do affect drive as do so many other things. Because my husband is very high in the sex drive department, I want to attempt to match his enthusism with some of my own! I think it certainly bears looking into if you are concerned by lack of drive. Besides hormones, there are videos and toys that can enhance desire. I think it's a fallacy that women are less sexual than men. We are just different about what does it for us. Keep looking! There's a wealth of great information out there. Don't forget those Berman sisters from Discovery channel! Chick's Rule! B bbi
Just wanted to comment about how great this board is. I posted anonymously a few years ago because I was hoping to find some support, some suggestions, and a feeling that I am not alone over on VF. I have struggled with this problem since the birth of my first child at only 20 years old 8 years ago. Anyway, people responded with "take this post elsewhere, this is inappropriate, and don't you have any friends you can talk to about this personal subject?" To be fair, some stuck up for me, but most seemed to be offended, and definitely let me know. Anyway, still looking for a solution, thanks for posting this, and thanks to everone on this board for being so open minded and helpful all the time! Please share if anything works. I'm hoping that when I hit my 30's as some of my friends tell me, my sex drive goes through the roof. I am just not willing to accept that low libido is part of life as a woman. THANK YOU, again, everyone, this is truly a terrific group of people!

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