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  1. D

    Afternoon Energy Snack Ideas

    Hi! I am trying to make some changes in my diet. I am needing to replace my afternoon snack which often ends up being something sugary (like a pudding cup) with something that gives me long-term energy to make it until dinner. I think I need something with protein and a good carb. I'm...
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    Cathe, are you a Bob the Builder fan?

    Cathe, I couldn't help but chuckle at your comment in Step Blast when you say something like "Can we do it?" And then you answer with an encouraging "Yes you can!" Your boys are about the same ages as my boys and they love Bob the Builder. I'm wondering if you are inundated with Bob's...
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    Just finished Legs and Glutes!

    Wow this is one tough, but fun workout. Cathe has put in so many new and different exercises that the time just flew by. It starts out tough with leg presses, and I'm glad they're at the beginning because they are my least favorite }( . Then she moves on to all kinds of tough standing work...
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    What's your favorite CTX workout?

    Even though I love all of them I think my favorites are Kickbox and Step and Intervals. Yesterday I did Kickbox and just had so much fun. My lats are talking to me today from all the punching. Not to mention the ab/plank section at the end always makes me a little sore the next day. So what...
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    Circuit Max reflections

    There is just something about this workout. I hadn't done it for a couple of months and decided I needed to reconnect with an old favorite. This was one of my very first Cathe's I bought two years ago after I had just recently had my first son. I remember making my way through each circuit...
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    A special thank you

    Hi Cathe! I just wanted to let you know how much training with you on a regular basis has meant to me. I have recently had two little boys (age 2 and 7 months-close to yours') and really did not keep working out like I should have when I was pregnant. The last four months I have been really...
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    Honeybunch, exercise band ?

    Hi Honeybunch, I remember a while back you posted about using the exercise band as a great supplement to weight training. Will you fill me in on the website or the article that you posted for us to read? Yesterday at Target I picked one up with my new medicine ball. (along with new 3 pound...
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    Trouble with Bodymax

    Maybe I was just having a "slow" day or not quite up to my normal self. But yesterday when I was doing the first segment of BM I was having so much trouble keeping up with the pace. It seems so much faster than what I have been doing lately (mostly CTX and RS) Has anyone else had this happen...
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    Guess what I just did??!!

    Wowzers! I just spend major money adding to my Cathe dvd collection. I pooled my birthday/Christmas/selling maternity clothes money and spent it ALL on the Slow and Heavy, Cardio Hits and CTX dvds. Can you believe it? I have the ctx in videos but really wanted to replace them with the dvds...
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    What are your weekly must-haves?

    I would be interested in knowing if you have weekly routines that you strongly stick to? I noticed on another thread several people said Monday was their Circuit Max day. Who else has "days" like that? I am always curious to know how other people rotate their Cathes. :) Heather
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    How do you modify Circuit Max?

    I did CM today for the first time in several weeks. I have been doing a lot of short cardios like CTX, just because of the rush of the season. So today I did Circuit Max thinking I could get both weights and cardio in. But you know I don't even feel like I focused on the weights very well...
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    More success, life-changing stories...

    In honor of our incredible Donna and her story, I wonder if there are others who would share how fitness and healthy lifestyle changes have transformed their lives. I know not everyone has lost over 200 pounds (still boggles my mind!) but who else has their own story that could motivate us all...
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    Any Cathe fans like Mindy Mylrea?

    Hi all! I am looking for a few extra videos to add to my collection. I have been investigating different instructors and would like to hear what you all think of Mindy and her workouts. I got quite a bit of information from videofitness, but wanted to know what Cathe fans thought. I am...
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    tape has no sound

    Hi all, I just got my CTX tapes in the mail for my birthday (Yeah Mom!) and couldn't believe what I found. The Kickbox tape does not have any sound. All the other tapes are fine, the sound is normal, it's just this one tape. I just filled out the customer service form. Will they have me send...
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    intro and question

    Hi ladies. I have not posted on this forum before, but have been lurking for a couple weeks now. :) My name is Heather and I am eight weeks pregnant with my second child. My baby is only ten months old and this wasn't exactly a planned pregnancy. But now that I've had a couple of weeks to...
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    waiting for my tapes!

    Hi ladies, I have been reading the posts on this site for a couple of weeks now and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Heather and I have been very athletic and "fit" most of my life. However, I had a son Benjamin this past January and am still struggling to get the last of the weight off...
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    question about carpet

    Hi Cathe, I am new to your tapes and about to place my first order. I'm so excited! My main question/concern is about working out on carpet. I am used to working out in the gym on hardwood floors, and at home I have carpet (not thin- but not super thick either). Is it safe to do step on...
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    considering buying a video

    Allright ladies, after a week of lurking on this site I am ready to ask my questions. :) I mostly work out at my gym- step classes, sculpt classes, spinning and cardio machines. However I am a little worried about taking my ninth month old to the gym nursery too often because he seems to pick...