intro and question


Hi ladies. I have not posted on this forum before, but have been lurking for a couple weeks now. :) My name is Heather and I am eight weeks pregnant with my second child. My baby is only ten months old and this wasn't exactly a planned pregnancy. But now that I've had a couple of weeks to process the shock I am happy and excited. I think it will be great to have kids close together, once I make it through that first With my first baby I gained way too much weight and did not continue my then current level of fitness. I don't know what I was thinking. So this time I want to maintain where I am and only gain the recommended amount rather than 55 lbs...yikes! Right now I do strength training 3 times a week either at the gym or with a Cathe tape. I do spinning 2-3 times a week and walking or a Cathe cardio tape 2-3 times a week. My main concern is with the spinning. I LOVE it and I do not want to give it up until I have to. Spinning is very intense and I walk out sweating buckets and pretty wiped out. I usually go through two large water bottles during the workout. My instructor said I can continue if I am able to modify the class enough to stay within a 6-7 on the exertion test. I just am worried about getting overheated and hurting the baby. How will I know if I am hurting him/her? Thank you for your advice Sheila, Cathe or whoever has some insight. Love, Heather
Hi Heather!

I personally don't know anything about spinning and pregnancy so I will leave that question for Cathe or Sheila or any others who know more. I just wanted to welcome you here and say congratulations on your pregnancy! It's so great to have a forum like this for all of us moms to be to share and get answers and support each other. So welcome! :)

Your instructor is right on target -- the key is to keep your intensity somewhere between somewhat hard and hard, and to drink a ton of water (which it sounds like you are doing already) to keep your core body temperature down. Also, you should NEVER reach the point of being breathless.

Remember, too, to have a small protein-carb snack (like crackers and cheese, a power bar, or peanut butter on apple) about an hour before your workout... and after if you feel the need. This should also help you w/ blood sugar.

Your body is the bst judge of whether or not you are overdoing it...listen to it!

Susan Hyde
Healthy Moms Certified prenatal instructor
Your instructor is right on target -- the key is to keep your intensity somewhere between somewhat hard and hard, and to drink a ton of water (which it sounds like you are doing already) to keep your core body temperature down. Also, you should NEVER reach the point of being breathless.

Remember, too, to have a small protein-carb snack (like crackers and cheese, a power bar, or peanut butter on apple) about an hour before your workout... and after if you feel the need. This should also help you w/ blood sugar.

Your body is the bst judge of whether or not you are overdoing it...listen to it!

Susan Hyde
Healthy Moms Certified prenatal instructor
Hi Heather! Congratulations! You do need to be very careful and work yourself no further than being able to say 2 to 5 word sentences. And keep downing that water. Be aware that this class will no longer be the spin class that you once passionately pushed yourself to unbelievable heights with. If you find that you can't refrain from this temptation you may be better off going out on the main floor and continuing with a stationary bike where the thrill to push so hard will not be dangling in front of you. Just a thought! Good Luck and train safely!

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