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  1. B

    Maybe some recovery workouts, Cathe??

    Cathe - I am so sorry to read about your injury and wish you a speedy recovery. I have been dealing with tendinitis from running for the last year and have had to really curtail the intensity of my cardio to keep the swelling down. (And yes I did go through physical therapy.)I seem to need...
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    Cathe - I'm making progress!!!

    Cathe!!!! For the first time ever I was able to do the tuck jumps in IMax2. I don't know why I couldn't do them before - I'm not sure if it was not being strong enough or cardiovascularly too hard - but all of a sudden I can do them now! And I'm hardly doing any modifications in IMax2!!! I think...
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    If you're on the fence about buying the baseball cap - buy it!

    I'm not a real baseball cap kind of person, but I was really surprised with the quality and "cuteness" of this one! It's adjustable with a really nice leather band in the back. I'm so happy I spent the extra money and bought it!
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    Is there an order to CTX?

    Yes, I added CTX to my pre-order and it should be waiting for me when I get home today! Yea!!! I was just wondering, is there one particular workout I should start out with?
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    Cathe, please talk to my husband!

    Cathe, my husband loves your Pure Strength series. In fact, he does it exclusively and won't try anything else. I keep telling him that it's time to move on! And that he'll see better results if he tries the Slow & Heavy or Pyramids series. (I have almost all of your workouts, so it's not like...
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    I am addicted to the Terminator dvd!

    I bought this dvd with the presale but hadn't tried it until a few weeks ago.....but now that I've tried it, I can't get enough of it! For some reason, all of the swtiching back and forth between workouts makes the time fly! What a BLAST! I can't believe how much fun they are! If you have...
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    Why do veins "pop"?

    Sorry to ask such a lame question, but I've been wondering....Since I've been working out more intensely, I've noticed that my once almost invisible veins are now much more prominent. What causes this? Is it lower body fat or more blood circulation? Or what? I actually REALLY like my "new" look...
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    IMax 3!!!

    I LOVE the Imax workouts! How about an IMax3?!? Also, I'd love a step tape that didn't build on itself so much - just an all out high intensity step tape! Kind of like the Imaxes without the intervals. Re: strength tapes: Remember in S & H, you talked about maybe doing a negatives weight...
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    Question regarding increasing muscle size

    Hi Cathe: I am focusing on increasing the size of my muscles. Which series will give me more muscle, Slow & Heavy or the Pyramids? Thanks for your help!
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    How to classify Bootcamp

    Hi Cathe!!! I've been working on my rotation and am trying to figure out where to place Bootcamp. Is it more of a strength tape or a cardio. I'm more inclined to see it as strength, but I thought I'd ask the creator! There are several of us who await your answer with bated breath! LOL...
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    Cathe: C & W is SO MUCH FUN!!!!

    Cathe: I'm just loving all of the new workouts - but there is just something special about C&W. It's just perfect - not too hard, not too easy, great music, everyone's having fun! I've done it three times already! Well, I don't really have any questions for you, but I'd love to know your...
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    Exercise shouldn't be this much fun! C & W!!!

    I have NEVER had so much fun doing a workout for the first time as I did last night with Cardio and Weights. The music, Cathe & crew enjoying themselves, the slightly dancier moves, being able to do "most" of it the first time, breaking up step with weights, I just don't know - it just all added...
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    DebbieH! I did Bootcamp!

    Hi Debbie! I did Bootcamp last night. I think it was probably the most fun I have ever had working out! My husband joined me for the first two circuits and then remembered that he had an "important" call to make. It was so challenging and different and fun all at the same time! It's...
  14. B

    Cathe! I'm loving that stability ball!

    Wow! What a great new toy! My hamstrings are sore for the first time that I can remember! They Pyramid work outs are fantastic! They are just what I needed to shake up my routine! Thanks for all of your workouts!!! I am in better shape now at 41 than I was at 25! So far I've done Muscle...
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    weight loss - new dvds - rotation

    Hi Cathe!!! I can't wait for the new workouts! I just wanted to ask you about a weight loss rotation using the new series. I saw that you listed three rotations - which would be best for weight loss or is there another rotation? Thanks so much!!!!
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    How long have you worked out w/ Cathe?

    LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-03 AT 05:07PM (Est)[p]After reading the age (not that it matters) thread, I realized that I started working out with Cathe's tapes just last October! It seems like I've been doing them SO much longer! The changes in my body composition are unbelievable for such a short...
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    Fat Flush?

    Has anyone read this book? If so, what do you think? Also, the author said that each pound of muscle you put on your body burns 70 calories an hour - this sounds like more than I thought. Does anyone know if this is the correct figure?
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    Marlene123's S & H rotation?

    I really liked Marlene 123's two rotations (Tank top and Lose & Tone) She mentioned that she was going to do her S & H rotation for a few weeks (on the videofanatics rotation website). Does anyone know what it is? Thanks! (I wonder how much time I have for this rotation before the new dvds...
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    Weight loss rotation - new tapes

    Hi Cathe: As I await the new series, I was hoping that you could help me with a weight loss rotation (so that I could begin it right away!)I need to lose about 7 lbs. I have not been following a rotation (just cardio one day , weights the next) and thought I'd start the new year in a more...
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    Who works out with his/her spouse or S/O?

    My husband has just started joining me with my Cathe weight tapes. He loves the upper body Pure Strength series and calls the Power Hour the Torture Hour.(Unfortunately he watched most of that one while lying on the bed!) He thinks that the warm ups for these weight tapes are "aerobics"! (It's...