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  1. B

    How hard is it to grasp RS?

    It IS hard, but it is so worth the effort. I got a pretty good workout just trying it, even though I couldn't keep up with all of the choreography at first. I used to isolate a segment and just go over and over it until I got it. It was frustrating not to be able to flow seamlessly through...
  2. B

    Does anyone view before doing the videos?

    I preview them, but it is a real challenge to just sit and watch when I want to be following along. It's worth the time to preview, but VERY trying on my patience. I just want to join right in right away.
  3. B

    Good shoes

    Custom orthotics all the way! They are worth every penny. I can't recommend them enough! Custom orthotics save feet! (At least they saved mine.)
  4. B

    Firm Tapes have become ineffective

    I know just what you mean about the firm tapes. I did them for 10 years and bought every single one!They just lost their effectiveness. I found out about Cathe's workouts from reading posts on the Firms website. The Firm had a workout called All-Step (which I loved) and I read about Cathe's...
  5. B

    I'm new here

    Hi everybody! I've been reading posts for months now but have never written one. I'm 44, married, 4 daughters, 1 border collie, 2 cats, and own every Cathe tape. I LOVE these workouts. Started about 12 years ago with the FIRM, found out about Cathe from Firm message Boards, and am I glad I...
  6. B

    Your worst EVER eating day.....

    Hi Everybody! This is my first ever post, but I've visited this site a bunch of times. I was really moved by jillybean's story. So honest, and so touching. I just really admire everyone's courage