Search results

  1. L

    What works for killer legs?

    Hello, I got my "Rocker" off e-bay for $40.00 ;)
  2. L

    What works for killer legs?

    I have been lifting weights since 1990. I started with the Firm and about 4 years ago took up with Cathe. My hats off to her I have seen improvements, BUT 6 weeks ago I bought a Bun and Thigh Rocker (Body by Jake) My 40 year old legs have NEVER EVER looked so GREAT. Minimal effort and...
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    Selling Cathe Videos

    Dearest Bootyquake and others, The reason that I did not state what videos I had or how much I thought they were worth was to simply find out what proper protocall was on this forum. It was not my intent to offend anyone especially Cathe herself whom I greatly admire. I was only searching...
  4. L

    Selling Cathe Videos

    I have a few that I have purchased that are just beyond me. What are your suggestions for selling these priceless wonders. Thanks, Lisa ;-)
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    Slow & Heavy 2?

    RE: Slow & Heavy 2? Here is my money! Send on the Slow and Heavy!! :7
  6. L

    Weights Only Rotation?

    Donna, Thank you for your input. I guess my biggest challenge is my thighs and rear-end. After many years of Cardio and weights I feel as though I am still in the same boat. My upper body and Abs are in Great shape, but from my hips to my knees I have lots of room for improvement. Any...
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    Weights Only Rotation?

    I own all of Cathe's weight tapes, (MIS, PS series, PH, S&H series, ME, PUB & PLB) and LL but none of the cardio/step tapes. Is there a rotation that is set up for use exclusively with these tapes? Can I loose weight using only weights and no cardio?
  8. L

    Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

    RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question Could you please tell us newbee's where you can buy one. Thanks, Lisa ;)
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    Stability ball

    Thank you Cathe and Vic. I too am 5'8" so I may shop for a little bigger one for myself. Happy Holidays
  10. L

    Stability ball

    Dear Cathe, I am so looking forward to getting my new videos. I would like to know the specs on the stability ball you use in the new videos. 1) How big is it? 2) How much does it weigh? 3)Where it can be purchased. Thank you and have a very blessed Christmas.