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  1. B

    Fitnessfreak's Rotations

    Thank you, Debbie, this is just what I am looking head is spinning from all the wonderful rotation choices (I probably will have to do some tweeking since I am new to Cathe and I don't have a vast collection: DVDs--STS 40 discs, Slow and Heavy, Core Max, Kick Max, Total Body Sculpting...
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    Anyone using kgs instead of lbs?

    You guys are just awesome...thanks:D
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    Anyone using kgs instead of lbs?

    My workout card on the computer screen is now getting accurate %s; however, when I print the card, the weight no longer prints the decimal and rounds down or up to a whole number...I just copy the correct wieght on to the card--at least I don't have to take out the calculator:) Thanks for the...
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    Endurance-Building Suggestions?

    I have a Polar S210 and my VO2 max value (aerobic fitness) measured at 54 after doing Insanity for 60 days, it was at 51 before I started. Though not a true HIIT, the extreme intensity of the intervals increased my cardiovascular strength in no time. Good luck!!!
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    Don't know if I should move on to Meso 3

    Hi Melanie, I just did the first disc for Meso 3 today (fyi, this is my first round of STS) and I survived!!! Anyway, I agree with the others that you should give it a try. Because of the rest period between exercises and alternating muscle group focus (chest, rest, back, rest, chest, rest...
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    anyone checked out the WM Distance Stats?

    Glad I'm not the only one feeling like a slacker...working out 6 days a week, with an average calorie burn of 550 per day, that calculates to an average of 5.5 miles a day, 33 miles a week if I'm lucky...will definitely cross the finish line, though, no matter what:eek:
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    Anyone using kgs instead of lbs?

    Hi, if you go to the Settings folder in the Workout Manager, you can change lbs to kgs with one click (it was truly frustrating having to convert every workout card to kgs. On day, I was playing around the WM and stumbled on to the settings page; and voilà, life is so much easier. I was so...