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  1. R

    Bonus Combo on Muscle Indurance/ Boot Camp DVD

    This is an awesome workout, yet it is so tucked away. I had no idea it was there. All of this time I thought it was just an extra short little combo to add to the two workouts. Instead, it is a nice mix of the two workouts, and it lasts for over an hour. Is it listed somewhere on workout...
  2. R

    insanity/sts/sc/and brazil butt rotation!?

    Thanks for the rotation idea Janie! The workout looks tough, but possible. I will give it a try to stir things up a bit. Outdoor workouts are a few months out yet here in the snowy mountains of Idaho and I am getting a little bored. This might just be the endorphin boost to get me through...
  3. R

    Core cardio circuit vs HiiT?

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Cardio Core Circuit! It is a killer workout... my heart rate gets close to it's max and I suck in all available oxygen from the room. I am so drenched in sweat by the end I can hardly see the tv! For this reason alone, and I am grateful that it doesn't involve any super...
  4. R

    Do you workout in the am or pm?

    do you work out in the AM or PM I have been working out in the mornings since the 8th grade. I learned at a young age that this was a great time to get something done without any interruptions, and became hooked. I do have a cup of coffee, and do a little email reading, then I am ready for...
  5. R

    Cardio Core Circuit (modifications) (LONG!)

    cardio core modification Thanks! Wow Kathryn, thanks for posting the modifications. It was nice to find someone else who is doing the workouts around certain "challenges". I have been a hard core athlete all of my life, so my knees are absolutely shot, yet I love high intensity cardio. I...