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  1. F

    The great debate: modifier or no modifier in the new STS cardio videos

    THANK YOU CLARE!!!!! :D There are days when I feel like a warrior and I have bionic body parts... other days not so much. It would be nice to have the option... and, more importantly, to be inclusive. I've had problems with many workout DVDs that are joint friendly, but are so easy that I...
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    Question about STS legs and knee problems

    Hi Cathe! I just completed week 3 legs of mesocycle 2. I am having issues with my knees. :( I have no problem doing squats with heavier weights, but I start having knee pain doing the lunge exercises about halfway through the DVD. I've been really careful to make sure my knees stay in line...
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    Well SHOOT! STS moves you cannot do???

    Yippee! I'm not alone! Just finished week 2 of meso 1. My legs are shaking. Can't do (YET).... 1. Levitation holds - I was like, and excuse my Frech.... WTF! :eek: 2. 1-leg sit and stands - I cheated and kept the the non-working heel on the floor, but made sure to put as much weight...
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    Push Ups - Straight Leg or Bent Knee

    I'm a push up wimp... for now. :D I'm doing the bent knee modification. I'm on week 2, and I've noticed an improvement already as far as being able to complete the reps. Forget the straddle pushups though. I'm just not able to do them yet. I also do the bootcamp ones bent knee. I'm hoping...
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    SNM - Another workout card question

    Hi... same thing happens in IE7.
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    Workout card not updating

    I didn't do all of my 1RM testing before starting the program. I completed the first week. I then went back to do all of the 1RM testing. When I go to print my workout card for week 2, the 1RM and target weight numbers did not update. I checked week 3... some numbers updated, others did...
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    I got my notice!

    I got it, too! Hi all! I'm new to The Cathe Nation. I ordered STS on 12/08/08, #21068, and I got my notice today! WOO HOO! :D I've done Cathe's workouts before, but I'm so excited to be starting STS. Looking forward to working out with you all!
  8. F

    Rotation question for newbie

    Hi Cathe! I am brand new to Cathe Nation, although I am familiar with your workouts. I have Basic Step+Body Fusion and the Gym Style Series. I've ordered STS, and am very excited to receive it. I haven't worked out in probably a month... I let the holidays get in the way, and I'd like to get...