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  1. LucyFan

    Music Disclaimers

    Actually No.
  2. LucyFan

    Music Disclaimers

    If I may, I think you are looking at this all wrong. First off, you know nothing about Fitness Music and purchasing the right to use such music for purposes of a workout video. Cathe had a very good run with BKHowe and Big Beat Muzic for several years and now that well has run dry. She has...
  3. LucyFan

    LOVE STS..paranoid about doing non-STS Rotations

    You are not nuts. I am in the exact same situation. I have done STS since it arrived; 3 month rotation, undulating rotation. For the past year, I have done the undulating rotation with the other DVDs on week 4; like gym style, pyramid upper/lower, high reps, etc. a friend loaned me P90x. I...
  4. LucyFan

    Squat Rack Preview Clips?

    There is not much to see. It is 4 exercises, Squats, dead lifts, front squat, and static lunge-4 sets of each with 3 min. Rest in between each set. While I LOVE STS, it is by far the most boring.
  5. LucyFan

    TurboBarre has expanded my vocabulary

    I laughed at Deeplier as well :-)
  6. LucyFan

    So what do you think of the music?

    I HATE the music in UB trisets. I'm so glad there are others. First half I felt like I should be smoking pot, not working out. Second half just wanted to kill myself. Shame too- I love the workout
  7. LucyFan

    Weight sheets for new workouts

    If you go to "calendar", "add workout" & choose STS, total body is the last choice. Your workout card appears when you click on it. I don't see cards for the others :-(
  8. LucyFan

    Is STS Shock Cardio for Beginners?!?!

    From reading what you wrote, I would honestly have to say I think you would be disappointed and frustrated in Shock Cardio as an entire series. I am an avid Cathlete, but as someone with back problems as well, I find some of the moves in HiiT, MMA Fusion, and Cardio Core Circuit undoable and...
  9. LucyFan

    Meso 3 Squat Rack vs Push Pull Tower

    Good Luck to you too. I have found that without the height, it gets tricky. But definitely take the Chinup bar off...You can't really maneuver with it on the tower, no matter where you put it.
  10. LucyFan

    Meso 3 Squat Rack vs Push Pull Tower

    OK - Let me start by saying I am aware how thoroughly dangerous this can be, but this is what I do... I take the chinup bar off the tower. Put the barbell hooks on the highest setting. Put the tower legs length wise on two steps set at a 10 in step height (three risers) This gives me the...
  11. LucyFan

    Anyone Re-do 1RM Test and it was LOWER!?!

    I have read the forums, looked all over the website, and couldn't find an answer, so I took matters into my own hands and this is what I did... I finished an STS Rotation. I am going to start the undulating periodization rotation on Friday. I figured I would redo my 1RM test, reprint my...
  12. LucyFan

    Cathe Workout music on CDs.........

    Here is the link to the soundtracks
  13. LucyFan

    Altus Kickboxing Gloves

    Cathe, I'm so glad to see the Altus equipment is now available for sale. I have emailed my kickboxing class participants the link to to purchase the kickboxing gloves! I wouldn't send them anywhere else! Erika