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  1. N

    Weight Watchers Saturday 6 Sep.

    Good afternoon, girls! :) After much stress and many phone calls, that pesky personal situation I've been whining about finally got worked out Thursday afternoon. I'm so relieved...and happy that it's behind me. I haven't done a very good job eating healthfully or making exercise a...
  2. N

    ~*~ Weight Watchers Thursday~*~

    Poppin' in to say hello and good morning... :) I'm having a rough time right now. I did some emotional/obsessive eating last night and as per usual feeling guilty about it. My uncle, who I live with and is a psychologist, pointed it out to me and I stopped. Still...I knew better and even had...
  3. N

    *~*~*~ Weight Watchers Tuesday~*~*~

    Good afternoon, new friends! I tried to make this a morning post, but my body didn't want to get up and moving. Tuesday mornings are my days to lounge around in bed and sleep as late as I want. I SO look forward to Tuesdays! :+ I did pretty well yesterday eats wise. I ate too much sour cream...
  4. N

    ~*~* Weight Watchers Monday~*~*

    I'm here, I'm here! I somehow completely forgot to check in this morning! :+ Thanks for all the warm welcomes! :) It's been a pretty good day. I dealt with some anxiety and frustration today about my on-going personal issue. I was really hoping to get some answers today, but so far no such...
  5. N

    Leaving lurkville...

    Thank you for your kind words, Nancy. :) I appreciate your perspective, and think you're absolutely right. I need more support than advice...I always appreciate advice from wise women, though. ;) Ahhh yes, I see you've been spying on me since you know that I've been finishing off a bag of...
  6. N

    *~*~*~*Weight Watcher's Sunday*~*~*~*

    Good barely Morning! :) I've been meaning to check since 7am, but work has been demanding. ;) I work at a timeshare resort and Sundays are when people ask alot of questions and are getting settled in. Thanks to the reach support and kindness I got here yesterday, I've been feeling much...
  7. N

    Let's play...question game!

    Oh what fun!! :D Repeat question: If you could have any profession in the world tomorrow, what would it be? A: An herbalist...or nutriionist. Question: What's your favorite way to relax?
  8. N

    Leaving lurkville...

    Thank you all for the warm welcome and all the offers to join Check Ins! Since reaching out here I've been feeling much better about myself and the stressful personal situation I'm in right now. You all are the best! Connie :)
  9. N

    ~*~* Weight Watchers Saturday~*~*

    Good morning fellow WWer's! I'm Connie and I'm fresh out of Lurkville. I really like the idea of having a place to check-in, and hope it's ok that I'm jumping in here. ?? :D I'm 32, single with no kids, and recently moved to southwest Florida. Four years ago I lost 75 pounds by eating...
  10. N

    What's your discipline strategy?

    I'm right there with you about eating right! I can do so superbly well for days at a time, and then it's like my steam gets used up and I slide backwards. Let me know if you figure out a way to avoid that, ok? And I'll return the favor. ;) Connie :)
  11. N

    What's your discipline strategy?

    Hi Allison, thanks for your reply. Actually, you did help! :) I'm a Type A personality, too. I've tried to carry that over into my workouts by doing various Cathe rotations. In the past it's worked really well for me. Perhaps, though, right now taking workouts day by day would be better for my...
  12. N

    What's your discipline strategy?

    I'm a long time lurker who has great admiration for everyone on this Forum. I know that you're human and imperfect like everyone else, but this group seems to have something special- that extra bit of focus or discpline that makes a huge difference when it comes to creating top notch health...
  13. N

    Leaving lurkville...

    Jane, Thank you for sharing about your recent stress issue and the loss of your Aunt. My sincere sympathy. What you said about these trying moments helping us find our true selves makes sense, but for me it feels like I'm at a disadvantage. I've always thought of myself as strong and...
  14. N

    Leaving lurkville...

    Wow, what a warm welcome! Thank you all so much! It feels really good to know that I'm not the only one that struggles with unhealthy food choices, makes me feel "normal". I like the idea of doing something physical when I want to eat something junky. I don't know about push-ups, I stink at...
  15. N

    Leaving lurkville...

    Hello fellow Catheites! I'm a long time lurker, and feel like I "know" many of you already. It's good to be posting! :-) I'm going through a difficult time in my personal life, and felt like now is a good time to reach out. I've been working out with Cathe for about 4 years, and have lost 75...