~*~* Weight Watchers Monday~*~*


Good Morning:) :)

The sun is shining here today so I think I will be going for a run. I really need to do some ab work as well. And I have to tighten up my eating. It wasn't over the top this weekend but I did eat things I don't eat on a regular basis and at times I don't normally eat.

Whats everyones plans for today??? Oh and I NEED to do housework!

Hi everyone. No time to chat much today but wanted to stop in and say 'hello'. Today we drive down to NYC for our 3-day meeting. Tomorrow night is the big gala event. We come back Tuesday afternoon. I won't have my laptop, but DH will have his. If he lets me play with it at all I may be able to hop online at some point, but I don't know. I think they've got a pretty full schedule for us.

In the mean time, I've still got to get the kids off to school and show my sister-in-law where to take them. My only workout will be tomorrow when I do some last-minute toning. I actually decided to bring my resistance bands so I can work out in the room rather than going to the fitness center. That way I won't have to bring extra clothes and shoes but can just wear whatever in privacy and work out. I've got two bands so I can make them tough for the various upper body parts. I think I've used bands enough now to manage that.

Hope everyone has a great Monday and great workouts! I should be back on here by Wednesday night or Thursday morning.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Good Morning Ladies!

Im not sure what workout im doing today,Im thinking on doing a week of circuit rotations-I've got LIC,C&W and BF.I would probably have to add some weights in though!I also plan on getting some walking/running in-in the evenings! School starts back this wednsday for me(sighs)so I could use the treadmill there If I wanted to!

Lori-Great job on your run yesterday,I couldn't imagine running for an hour straight..you are really in shape! Have a great run today! I too ate things over the weekend I really shouldn't be eatingx( x( its like I sabotage myself or something. I guess when I set my mind to it,this weight will start coming off agianx( :).Oh well,Atleast im not gaining;-)i do good monday through thursday its the weekend When i get into trouble!

Connie-I to am an emotional eater! My whole family is except my dad and sis!Its extremely hard to overcome and I don't think we really overcome it,but just kinda control it! If im mad,sad,happy....I think its time to eatx(. But I think the most important thing is that after i get all the emotional eating done,i pick myself up and get back on my diet! I've also learned to try and not beat myself up about it if I do eat! I just wanted to let you know that your not alone:)! Whats your plans for today?

Lainie-Have fun tommorrow night!Im sending you safe trip vibes!

hey to the rest of the gang!bbl
Lainie, I'm headed to NYC myself - going to Boston today, will be in Boston for press meetings Tuesday, and will be all day Wed in NY before heading back home Wed. night. Maybe I'll see you there :+ :+ :+ (yeah, right! I'll be staying near Times Square)

Lori, a run sounds nice! I'm sure your weekend eating can't have been too bad.

Amelia, I hope you choose a fun workout!

I did 90 min. of cardio this morning - trying to do all I can before the trip. Did Power Mix? Anyway, one of the old, old classics for 45 min (skipped the cooldown) and then a treadmill program for 45 min. Just enough!

have a great morning, everyone!
Laine** I hope you have a good week! I think you have been looking forward to this. Atleast you get to spend some time with DH without the kids around...just growups!:) :) And then you get to dress up without worrying that a little person is going to make you dirty! hehehe Take some pics! Im sure you will miss your little ones just the same but it is nice to get away.

Amelia** Back to school again. How much longer do you have? Are you looking forward to starting work when its all over? You can buy as many workouts as you want then cause you'll be making your own dough!

Connie** Forgot to welcome you! Im normally chatting alot through out the day but I was pretty occupied last weekend. This is a great bunch of gals and they were a great source of support when I was trying to ditch my baby weight.

Cheryl** No...my eating wasn't that bad this weekend. I had a few chips on Fri night and then on Sat we didn't eat till 8'ish and thats not like us. I just felt bloated thats all...but back to normal eating patterns again now. Im sure I didn't gain any weight but I just felt icky! Good job on the workout.

I just got back from a 75 mins run. I planned on going alone and then when I got to st # 3 there was my running partner so of course she came along. I was looking forward to going alone but I don't know why Im such a b**ch sometimes! Anyway...we had a good chat and time did fly. I was telling her all about DH's friend who drank our way out of house and home fri night. DH had 24 beer in the fridge, DH drank 4 and when he looked there was 3 left! Thats right boys and girl...17 beer, plus the 8 he brough himself and 1/3 40 oz of rum...I think we have a alcoholic on our hands!!!!

Lori-I too would rather walk/jog alone...so don't feel like a B*tch! as a matter of fact,I avoided going to a local park today because i knew a girl I met there next week would be there and she wants to walk with me:-(,i know im awful but dang i like peace and quiet on my walks with ds!

Im am looking forward to going back to work but,im still unsure what im going to do with ds? He starts pre-k in spring of 09 so i've got some time on my hands until then.My MIL and DM said they would watch him,but im not sure i can depend on them both full time! I've heard I can work at home doing what im going to school to be so ,will see! I've got six months left! Great job on your run...wonder women;-)

Cheyrl-Great workout,boy you and lori both are wonder women;-)!

hey to everybody else,i've got to run and get some house cleaning done..bbl!
I'm here, I'm here! I somehow completely forgot to check in this morning! :+ Thanks for all the warm welcomes! :)

It's been a pretty good day. I dealt with some anxiety and frustration today about my on-going personal issue. I was really hoping to get some answers today, but so far no such luck. I'm stuck in this waiting game and there doesn't seem to be much I can do about it. It's quite frustrating, but the right wheels should be in motion and I know worrying doesn't help any so I'm focusing on the positives. ;)

I've got my head screwed back on straight about eating right, finally! That's feeling pretty good. I've got the next 3 days off from work (I work 4 10s), and I'm a little anxious about filling my off time with eating time. That's my big issue for today. I've been thinking about strategies and mindsets to avoid messing up. I'm open to ideas! :)

I'm definitely going to pull out a Cathe DVD or two (maybe 3?) while I'm off. I need to get back into a good workout groove...it's been too long and I'm running out of my own excuses. :p

Lainie- hope you're having a great time in NY! Bringing your resistance band to the hotel is a great idea!

Lori- if you're done with your housework, would you work on mine next? :p :+

Amelia- thank you so much for your supportive and kind words!! :* I'm working on not beating myself up and being more patient with myself. I'd never in a million years say the things I think about myself to a friend when I mess up. That perspective helps. My plans for the evening (since I forgot to post up early in the day, lol) are to go home and spend time with my brother and watch our favorite Monday night TV. I'm going to do jumping jacks during every other commerical. That should be entertaining. :p

Cheryl- 90 minutes of cardio? WOW! ^5!

See you later, ladies! :)
Hi ladies,

sorry I didn't checked in yesterday! No workout yesterday!
Today I did Cardio Kicks! I will do a second workout later today!
I am so behind the Sep. rotation!

I still don't have a car! It has been raining alot here in Germany! No walking! Soon I will put picutres up on my pituretrail from Germany!

Have a nice day!

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