Weight Watchers Saturday 6 Sep.


Good morning ladies,( in Germany it is already afternoon!!)

I am doing DM today! I didn't do a workout yesterday, but I did alot of walking!!

My DH is working today, so I have all day for myself! LOL! I also need to do House Max today!

Off to my workout! BBL!
Good Morning:)

Belinda, your first to start the checkin? Woo Hoo! I think thats a first. Have a good workout and have fun cleaning.

My parents are here for the day so I don't know what my plans are.I was hoping to get my workout done before they got here but when I looked they were here and it was only 8 o'clock. So...depending on where my mom wants to go, I may get a workout in before we do something.

Today is our aniversary so if we can get a sitter we will be going out for supper tonight.So,I will to get a workout in at some point.

Hi everyone. I finally managed some cardio yesterday. I did LIS without my ankle bothering me. I started off being fairly careful with it but by then end I was just stepping along. I only used a 4" platform, though, because I wanted to be so careful. I think I will stick with low impact or modify other workouts to be more low impact for a while as I work back into it. I haven't decided on what kind of rotation to do next week. I might do what I was planning to do before the ankle injury--lots of circuit workouts and total body, or I might modify Cathe's October rotation using more low impact stuff.

Belinda, have fun with DM and House Max. :) Is that sort of like Clean Max?

Lori, Happy Anniversary! Hope you get a chance to have a good date!

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Good Morning Ladies!:)

I just got back from the dentist with my DH and kids(quite an adventure:+ )DH had three teeth pulled so,hes in lala land somewhere,LOL-everything went well though so thats good! Still no workout for me,my head is still clogged up-probably won't get back into it until monday(oh,I HOPE)My kids are getting better,im releived!

Belinda-Nice to see you ...have fun house cleaning!

Lori-Happy Anniversary,how long has it been? I also hope you have your "Anniversary date night "tonight! Have fun!

Lainie-Yaaaaah,cardio...I bet you had fun with it!:)May you have more cardio to come;-)! For some reason I have trouble sticking to a rotation,I was going to do the circuit one but just couldn't focus on staying with it! I just do what iam in the mood for that day!(I did have success with that intermediate rotaion I did a while back,lost like 3inches or so)Have a fun saturday!

hey to Sara,Cheryl and all who follows! bbl
Hey Girls,

Just a quick check in to report my workout. I did the interval workout from the HC Extreme dvd and 4 seg of DM. I burned 500 cals. Now I am off to get into the shower.
Oh the scale said, 124.6 today:)

BBL to read what everyone wrote.

Good afternoon, girls! :)

After much stress and many phone calls, that pesky personal situation I've been whining about finally got worked out Thursday afternoon. I'm so relieved...and happy that it's behind me.

I haven't done a very good job eating healthfully or making exercise a priority the past couple days. I won't list my rationalizations...because I know they aren't worth salt. :p :+ I'm back to minding the business of my health today, though. ;)

Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend! I'm working this weekend (and every weekend, lol), but am in very good spirits. :D It's time to get myself together and keep it together for more than 3 days in a row. Anyone else ever have this problem? x(

Happy Saturday!

Connie :)
Hey Girls,

Finally getting to check in sensible. My mom (of course) wanted to go shopping. We did that for a little while, came home to put DS down for his nap and then I worked out, got ready and went out again. Its Thanksgiving here in Canada so the grocery stores are packed with people and it was driving me mad! The lady was checking me in and noticed a pack of my crackers were open and she asked me if I still wanted them? Hellllllllllllllo? Would you eat a pack of crackers that were open and falling out from the bottom? Lord knows how long they might have been open. Sooooo, instead of her getting someone to get them for me I have to get them myself. Then when I get back my mom says, " I could have moved faster then that"....I said.." there are to many old people here and I can only move as fast as the person in front of me!" I don't know what the lady thought of it, but if she was stupid enough to ask me if I wanted to buy a opened pack of crackers, it probably didn't even register. There got that vent out! LOL

So when we went shopping earlier today I decided to buy myself some stuff...like 6 shirts:) Totalling about $150.:eek: Don't tell! I also won a pair of jeans from Ebay last night. I hope they fit. Plus my boots and top should be here from VS this week. I love getting parcels in the mail.

DH and I have been married 6 yrs. I don't think we are doing anything though. I would like to go out, but I don't want to pay a babysitter. DH as also been working all day so I don't know how much energy he will have. It doesn't feel right staying home though and I wouldn't be one bit surprised if he as a sitter booked.

Laine, so glad to hear you got a workout in! Id be soooo excited! I think you rested it long enough and I must say, you are more patient then I would have been.

Amelia, hopefully you will get back into working out on Mon. When I don't workout I feel lazy!

Conni, I think we all have had those times where we need to restart our eating plan! Beleive me, i have started a good many diets on Monday! LOL Monday was always the day! Glad to hear you got your personal problem resolved.

Alright, I don't know if I will be checking in anymore today but I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!

Hi WW crew!! :)

Belinda :: hope you enjoyed the day to yourself yesterday. Do your kids plan to live in the States permanently?

Lori :: http://s228.photobucket.com/albums/ee296/runninteach/happycelebrations/th_Anniversary02.gif & happy Thanksgiving (belated!)

Lainie :: sorry to hear your ankle’s been bothering you. Glad you were still able to w/out. Thanks again for posting those worksheets - they rock!!

Amelia :: sounds like you’re sick…hope you’re feeling better soon!

Connie :: hi! I remember your introduction on the open forum…I joined WW about 4 weeks ago and initially hoped to post on this check-in on a regular basis, but since I already belong to two other check-ins, that was overshooting it a bit. So, I’m just trying to drop in every now and then to say hey!…Exercise is not typically the struggle for me…I am disciplined on that end…it’s the eating where I cut loose, and WW was *just* what I needed to get focused. I did have two weeks in a row where I went over points (last week, I was only over by 2.5), but I’m happy to say I’ve pulled it together. Today is my last day of the week and I still have 25 of my flex points…Glad to hear there was a positive resolution to your problem.

Does anyone buy some of the WW food? I am completely hooked on the Honey Almond Crisp cereal! Deeelish!!

Have a great rest of your weekend! I've been good this week, so I hope the scale is kind to me tomorrow.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face] http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/wavesmile.gif
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan

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