*~*~*~*Weight Watcher's Sunday*~*~*~*


Morning Ladies!

How is everybody today? DS slept well in his new bedroom so everything is good here! Today Im taking a rest day,a much needed rest day!

I've got a sharp pain on the top of my right shoulder,almost were my neck muscle ends! Its been coming and going for quite some time now,anybody know what this muscle is called or better yet-how I could of injured it? It seems to hurt the most when Im lying on my bench doing lying extentions,bench presses things like that!

Good Morning:)

I had a little sleep in today. DS woke at 6 and there was no way I was staying up with him. Just so happened he went back to sleep and we didn't get up until 8:30. I was getting ready to wake DH but he went back to sleep. Lucky him!

Im waiting to see what the Oct rotation is going to be! Im not sure what I am going to do the month of Oct.

I was talking to one of the girls from work last night and she said she had a nice chat with our boss on Friday. He asked her what her thoughts were and she was honest (of course she picked up for me) so it appears that he may be reconsidering what he was thinking about doing. We will see what happens. At least he isn't closed minded about the whole thing.

Im planning on running today. Everyone else is going kayaking but I can't go cause of DS and my in laws are away so we will do something else while they are gone.

Amelia, it almost sounds like a pinched nerve or something. You may have slept the wrong way. I can't see how you would really hurt a muscle in your neck, when working out, although Im sure its possible.

Must go see what my company is doing! Have a good day everyone!

Good barely Morning! :)

I've been meaning to check since 7am, but work has been demanding. ;) I work at a timeshare resort and Sundays are when people ask alot of questions and are getting settled in.

Thanks to the reach support and kindness I got here yesterday, I've been feeling much better and more positive about things in my life. I've still got an unsolved personal issue hanging out there, but hopefully some phone calls Monday will get me some answers. I've realized that I just can't worry myself into a deep depression about it- or anything- though. Things have a way of working out somehow for me, and I trust that will happen again.

In the meanwhile, I need to take care of myself. It's time to get focused back on eating healthfully and making time to workout. Last night was rough emotionally...I ate McDonald's to soothe myself, but it only lasts a few mintues...then, of course I feel worse. I'm leaving that behind me today and pressing forward.

I'm even going to keep track of Points today. I haven't done that in a few days...and it's felt strange. I'm a big journaler, thanks to my Type A personality. :p

Laine- nice to meet a fellow 32 year old! Congrats on your weight loss! :)

Cheryl- Hope you enjoyed your TM cardio fest yesterday!

Amelia- I just love your name! Glad to hear your DS slept well in his own room. Yay!

Lori- Enjoy the run and your company today!
Hi ladies,

Sorry, I didn't check in' I didn't had a computer the last few day's!

Thursday I did BM2! Friday no workout!! Yesterday I did IMAX 2!

Have a great Sunday!
Hi, everyone! Muscle Max this morning - followed by another cardio fest - still deciding what that will be. Maybe Low Max?

For date night last night we went to Olive Garden and I had the Venitian Apricot Chicken. Really good and really clean - grilled chicken plus broccoli and asparagas. My only sin was a breadstick. So I'm happy.

Lori, I'm so glad your friend had a chance to stand up for you with the boss. I don't blame you for th McDonald's "self medication". It happened, you needed it, and now it's over. Enjoy your run!

Belinda, LOVE that IMAX2!

Amelia, have a wonderful day!

Happy Sunday, everyone!
Cheryl...um...no McYucky for me! You got me mixed up. The last time I had McDonalds, I was preggo! But I did have cheesecake last night and it was soooooooooome good!:9 Glad to hear you had a good night with DH.

I went for a 60 mins run today and then I did ME. I was going to go my normal route but it started to rain. The only day I didn't think I was going to get caught in the rain I did. It didn't rain hard but the longest and last st home,was very windy. DS even woke up. I think the rain was hitting his face. I am still happy with a hour long run though.
Its only 8 here and we are doing some relaxing. I want to watch desperate housewives tonight but I think I will have to record it cause there is no way I am staying up real late tonight!

Chat with you in the morning!!!

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