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  1. D

    Website for Exercise Descriptions?

    Here's another great website!
  2. D

    Need you cat lovers, please....

    We have a head-butter as well! AND he will definately swat you (and sometimes BITE) if you don't pay him enough attention!!! Here he is (his name is Pig!) nappin' in the sunshine!
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    I placed first...

  4. D

    Cats....can anyone explain....

    >The first thing you must learn, as a new cat lover, is that >your cats do not belong to you. YOU belong to your cats. :D A truer statement has never been made!!! :7 My DH and I no longer debate who the cat belongs to, but which human actually belongs to the cat! We've discovered that it...
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    Maryland-- are we represented here?

    WOW - there are a LOT of Mary-landers here!! I'm from Cecil County - live between North East and Elkton. DH and I both grew up in Delaware (south of Dover - little town called Felton), but we moved to Maryland almost two years ago!!! And this humidity BITES!!!!x(
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    My dog is acting strange...

    >Do the peebles get hot? Maybe she recently experience >discomfort on them and no longer wants to go out there. That was my first thought, too. Since it's sooo stinkin' hot out, maybe the pebbles burned her sensitive feet!!
  7. D

    Need Oatmeal Recipe

    >Excuse the silly question but where does one find "steel cut >oats" in the grocery store? I have looked and looked and >never find them, even in the organic section. I'd like to >give them a try ;-) >Thanks! IF your grocery store carries them, they should be with the "regular"...
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    B & G or GS Legs

    I have both as well - both HIGHLY recommended! BUT - if you want to focus on a strength building rotation, go for the GS Legs - I finished a muscle building rotation not long ago using the GS series and my results were fantastic!!!
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    low impact circuit

    >If all of her workouts are >that good, I'm going to have some really empty pockets soon. They are! Say hello to your empty pockets! :7
  10. D

    IMAX 3 - I Did It!!

    Good for you! YOU ROCK! :7 That's a tough workout WITHOUT a headache!
  11. D

    Issues with SB and C&W

    I had the same issue with one of my DVD's and emailed the vendor I purchased it from (it was a very recent purchase) - she emailed me back with the information below. Even after doing all this, I still had the issue - UNTIL I switched to another DVD player!!! So in the end, it was not the DVD...