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  1. F

    help! cant stop eating

    I know how you feel, but my stomach gets so ticked off if I don't eat within a 5 hour period. This has to do with my fitness, and my body's metabolism. I'm pretty dang fit, and I have a fairly low body-fat percentage so I need the calories to keep myself from going too low in the weight...
  2. F

    Peanut butter

    >Also not Cathe, but I found a great PB in my local grocery >store called, Naturally More. It's natural PB fortified with >flax seed and flax oil. It's also lower in fat, higher in >fiber and protein for only 169 cal/2 TBS! I love the crunch >that the flax seed give it as well!!! I...
  3. F

    The new SET is beautiful !

    I third that! I love the light/airy feeling it gives even though I'm pretty sure that I'll be hating it's calm nature when I'm sweating my booty off :7!
  4. F

    hsta and step height

    Another mighty 5'4 gal that uses a 14 inch high step for leg presses! I've gone to 12 inches before, but that seemed too low...however I went to 14 inches also and thought my knees would pop outta my legs, too! Soooo....14" it shall stay :7!
  5. F

    Muscle Endurance

    ME is definitely a great full body workout! I honestly love most of Cathe's strength, but ME along with Muscle Max have special places in my heart :P!
  6. F

    Help on HSC and HSTA

    Yep, HSTA is the harder of the two! I assume that everyone is talking about High Step Challenge when they mean HSC not High Step Circuit, right? HSTA's cardio is definitely more consistant while HSC's cardio is more 'some of the circuits are alot easier then others'. I love both of them...