Help on HSC and HSTA

Hey you Cathe Fans!!!
I know its late at night (11 here) but I had a question about HSC and HSTA. I have HSC and thought that it wasn't so cardio and enduranced based as HSTA. Am I wrong? Cuz I heard someone say the oppostite. Which was is right? Is HSTA more enduranced based or is HSC?

Thanks for any help!!

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

HSTA is definatly more endurance based. It has all those leg presses, which seem to go into infamy!!! I think this workout is way harder, overall, than HSC.
O ok thanks!!

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Hi Adri. HSTA has about the same amount of cardio. HSTA has 12 minutes while HSC has 11 minutes. They both have 5 cycles but I think HSTA is definitely the tougher of the two. I just did it this morning and its a real sweatfest. This has become one of my favorite workouts. It has some real interesting exercises like crossover pushups, one arm tricep dips and decline pushups.

Yep, HSTA is the harder of the two! I assume that everyone is talking about High Step Challenge when they mean HSC not High Step Circuit, right? HSTA's cardio is definitely more consistant while HSC's cardio is more 'some of the circuits are alot easier then others'. I love both of them though...HSTA gives me more of a burn in the quads and hamstrings because of all the dang leg presses! I love HSC's abwork though! Great stuff!
Thanks Everyone!

Stacie- yea HSC means High Step Challenge

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

I guess I'm different, I think HSC is harder but then I love leg presses. I really like both of those workouts. I've added the cardio only premix from HSTA to some of the CTX cardios and that makes a great workout. I also like to add the hover squats and sit n' stands onto PLB for an extra leg burn. I think the cardio in HSTA is more fun for some reason.


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