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  1. Leeanng1

    A Beginner/Intermediate series

    Hi Cathe, I love your workouts and have used them all. But things have come up in my life and exercise was put on the back burner. Now I am working my way back. I love your workouts but right now most are too advanced for me at this point. I have been using the beginner, intermediate workouts...
  2. Leeanng1

    Hooked on Imax2

    I fell off the fitness wagon the past few months. Lately I've started back up and have been really focusing on my Cathe DVD's for workouts. I've been really feeling the difference. I've been going through the Intensity series for starters. I was always afraid of the Imax workouts so I...
  3. Leeanng1


    I hope so I never use to modify but as I'm now in my mid 50's, my joints can't take continuous jolting. I hope there are some modifications so everyone can use this program, not just the young super athletic, in shape people. Marching in place when you can't do the high impact moves can get...
  4. Leeanng1

    Out of shape and starting over

    I need some motivation! :( Last spring I did the STS all the way through. I was in wonderful shape. But due to experience and I admit, spent the summer eating, drinking, and lounging by the pool. I packed on 15 lbs and am horribly out of shape! I'm now barely getting through Body Fusion &...
  5. Leeanng1

    Power Tower/Squat Rack combo

    Compact Squat racks I do not have room for a huge squat rack rack set up. In fact, I've been using my weight bench as a squat rack, which is a little risky. However, I'm not really strong and 80% of my 1 RM is about 70 lbs. Which is not exactly power lifting weight. At my age I doubt that I...
  6. Leeanng1

    Resistance Bands

    thanks Iwill go on their website...I just ordered the Cathe weighted vest through Gart Sports on to the gloves....
  7. Leeanng1

    difficulty doing cardio on off days

    Cardio is a problem too I find that STS takes presidence over the cardio. I've been doing cardio 2 days a week and STS 3 days a week. I figure my heart rate goes up when I do the leg workout. I would like to do cardio at least 3 times a week with STS, but time is such a crunch for me...I do...
  8. Leeanng1

    20% off---Pretty please extend beyond current deadline...

    I just ordered the weighted vest! I just found Cathe's weighted vest on line! They have it at Gart Sports on line store! It was in stock and should arrive between April 6-10...I'm so excited! I can't wait!!!
  9. Leeanng1

    Resistance Bands

    Cathe Gear What as the name of the store? I live in they have a chain here? I would LOVE to get the official Cathe gear and not wait for the back order...
  10. Leeanng1

    20% off---Pretty please extend beyond current deadline...

    I can't wait!!! I also would like the weighted vest, and the weighted gloves!!! I also would like the STS Power Tower!!! I thought at one time, Cathe made some deal with the Altus company and some of her items could be bought at Sporting Goods stores. ??????
  11. Leeanng1

    Those against a modifier in high impact workouts, what's the downside?

    Modify due to age I have used Cathe for about 10 years. I never modified back then. Now I have to because my joints are feeling the strain. Even though I have been working out rather consistently, I'm finding at the ripe old age of 55, I DO need some modifcations. My muscles and joints are...
  12. Leeanng1

    STS legs and paper plate issues...

    I use furniture slides I bought some of those furniture slides for moving furniture around on carpets. You can get them at Wal-mart pretty cheap. They work way better than paper plates which just don't seem to work on my carpet.
  13. Leeanng1

    Well SHOOT! STS moves you cannot do???

    I feel the same way too I've noticed that I am getting weaker in my old age. Even though, I've been working out for years, there are some excersises I just can't do very well any more. The levitation, I could never do, I used to do about 20 standard pushups but now after about 8, I have to...
  14. Leeanng1

    Time Finding your one rep max

    Thanks for the suggestions Thanks for the suggestions. I don't know why I didn't think of doing some of the things you suggested. I've printed out the one rep max chart and I'm ready to go. I'm starting today! I should get my 1RM's by the end of this week. Once again thanks.
  15. Leeanng1

    Time Finding your one rep max

    I was wondering, I want to start the STS. I'm really excited about it! But, it's been two weeks and I'm still find my one rep max on the first couple of discs! Is there a faster way to do this? At this rate, I might get started by June! Not only that, but I'll pick a weight that I think I...