Well SHOOT! STS moves you cannot do???

Let’s see…what I can’t do…hmmmmmm….well I have a FEW:



Push-up – though a stink at these, I’m trying really really hard to improve. I can do a handful on my toes and the rest are on my knees. I cannot in any way, shape or form do straddle pushups (I do a very modified version!). Those are just a joke…but again, I’ll keep trying.

Levitation holds – nope, not happening, but I’ll keep trying!

Wall squats with the stability ball and weights – I can do a modified version if I stand my weights on end. I think I will improve on these.

Its funny on some of those moves how your mind knows what to do but your body won’t budge (like the levitation holds).

Oh and on the Pilates abs there is a side plank where you twist forward and put your leg back (can’t remember the name). My leg wouldn’t move to save my life!

I haven't gotten to the one-legged pikes yet but I"m sure they will be a challenge for me. My goal is to keep trying.


I'm glad to see that we all are having the same struggles. one leg sit and stands-not giving up, but can't do, levitation-mmm hmmm. but it's fun to try and do something out of your bounderies. face it. we are all built differently, and some of us no matter how long or hard we try will not be Cathe. But, we will all be fitter in the process which is the whole point. I'm beggining my last week of meso 1, and can tell that my push ups, (most of them) are better and i have more endurance, even trying some full which has always been an issue for me. my core feels stronger and my arms feel and look better. my biggest issue is just that i can't get the stats page to work right. can't get it to graph my weight, or my bmi. can't get it to give me a calories burned total for each disc. again, not giving up, but that part is frustrating because it helps keep you motivated.

keep strong-judy
I feel the same way too

I've noticed that I am getting weaker in my old age. Even though, I've been working out for years, there are some excersises I just can't do very well any more. The levitation, I could never do, I used to do about 20 standard pushups but now after about 8, I have to decline to my knees. When I do the pikes on the stability ball, I look like something out of an old Lucy show! I still can't do those darn things! My weight on squats has decreased as well. Oh well, at least I'm still working out! (and having fun doing it)
I can't do most of the push-up variations (I thought the Elmo push-up was called that because it made me laugh out loud when I saw what Cathe expected me to do) and also the wall squat with the dumbbells. I can't get low enough to pick up the dumbbells, so they sit there on the floor, mocking me.

I haven't done any abs work yet. I'm afraid to!

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