Search results

  1. goldenrun358

    Cathe! New workout suggestion and praise for you!

    Hi Cathe, I am going to make a suggestion based off of STS Total Body. But before I make a suggestion for a new workout, I have to sing the praises of STS TB first. I just finished the compound premix on this workout for the first time, and I have to is AMAZING!! This is exactly...
  2. goldenrun358

    crossfit style work out

    Hey Cathe, I have never actually done crossfit, but it is getting a lot of hype around my area. From what I understand it is circuit style, uses a lot of compound moves, plyo, and calisthenic exercises. Think: pull-ups, burpees, push-ups, dynamic core moves, and box jumps. I am sure you...
  3. goldenrun358

    Interesting book and documentary recommendation

    Hi all, I just wanted to share with you the names of a really good book that I recently read and an enlightening DVD I recently viewed. The book is The Culprit and The Cure: Why Lifestyle is the Culprit Behind America's Poor Health And How Transforming That Lifestyle Can Be The Cure by Dr...
  4. goldenrun358

    Sodium Content in nutrition manager

    I purchased the nutrition manager software a few days ago and have noticed that every day my sodium level is through the roof. Today I entered 1c fresh streamed kale and it said the sodium content was over 300mg. The kale showed as the food with the highest sodium content for the day. Is this...
  5. goldenrun358

    What motivates you?

    I just need to vent a little here because I am lacking motivation toward self discipline and I am hoping you will share some tips on how you stay motivated to say no when you really want a cookie, chip, etc. First of all, I lurk here often, but don't post much because I never have time to...
  6. goldenrun358

    Give me your opinion on "artificial"

    Alright Mommas...I am having a debate with myself and need some other opinions. Do you feed your children and yourselves artificial ingredients such as sweeteners, colors, flavors, etc? Since having my first daughter 1 yr ago I am really rethinking my definition of health food. I once...
  7. goldenrun358

    Cathe...STS TB=WOW!!

    All I can say is thanks for such an awesome workout! This one is excellent and I know it is going to be a favorite! I absolutely love it and am shaking so bad I can hardly type!! Thanks for such a thorough, fun, fast paced and challenging workout!! Jenny
  8. goldenrun358

    The problem with losing weight postpartum...

    Hi ladies! I am seven weeks postpartum tomorrow and I am totally discouraged with weight loss. The problem with losing weight after baby: FATIGUE!! I don't get much sleep these days and the thought of working out it NOT appealing. I don't want to waste any extra energy, I feel like I need...
  9. goldenrun358

    Starting STS postpartum

    Hi Cathe (other opinions appreciated too), I am almost 5 weeks post-partum and want to start STS soon. My question is: should I jump right in or rebuild some strength first? I worked out my entire pregnancy, but made modifications as the pregnancy progressed. Towards the end, I did not...
  10. goldenrun358

    how long did you wait before working out?

    Hi ladies! I just gave birth 10 days ago, but I am already starting to get the urge to workout. I know it's still a little soon, but I was wandering how long you waited before resuming Cathe workouts and other activities. I had a wonderful, natural delivery, with no episiotomy and no tear! I...
  11. goldenrun358

    Did anyone else have sciatic back pain?

    Hey ladies, I was just wondering if anyone else had sciatic back pain? I am almost 33 weeks and this intense sharp pain has just started in my left back and hip. I am sooo discouraged because it really hurts at this point to workout. Even walking is painful. I have too far left to go to...
  12. goldenrun358

    baby's lack of movement is freaking me out

    Did/does anyone else notice your baby is sometimes really quiet? I am 30 weeks and this week alone there have been two times she has been really quiet: Sunday and last night into today. I haven't felt her move much at all. It is really freaking me out. She has done this in the past, so I...
  13. goldenrun358

    Choroid plexus cysts

    I got a call from my OB today and she said the 18 week US I had done showed the baby has choroid plexus cysts in her brain. She said that she sees this often and not to worry...but, that it can increase the risk of a neural tube defect or other anomaly. So, I'm worried. I've done some...
  14. goldenrun358

    Experienced Moms: what to buy???

    Hi Ladies! I don't post very often, so I will give a little update. I'm now 18 weeks with my first. The unofficial ultrasound I had yesterday said it will be a girl!!! The official ultrasound is tomorrow morning. My problem is this: with so many different baby products on the market, I...
  15. goldenrun358

    Tired of not feeling well...

    I don't post on here a whole lot because I usually don't have time to check in everyday. But, every now and then a girl just doesn't know where else to vent. I'll be 12 weeks with my first on Tuesday. I don't think I've felt good since December! I am so tired all the time. I don't have...
  16. goldenrun358

    1st visit to OB....not impressed

    Hey ladies, I just have to vent some frustration! I went for my first visit to the ob yesterday. I only saw the nurse, but she rubbed me the wrong way. Not very enthusiastic or encouraging. I told her I wanted to breast feed and her response was "It's harder than you think and a lot of...
  17. goldenrun358

    Getting Heart rate too high

    Ok ladies, sorry for all the questions, but you all are knowledgeable and I'm early (4weeks), so I haven't seen my doc yet. Here's the question: do any of you ever get so involved in your workout that you forget the heart rate a get it a little too high? I teach muscle pump and this...
  18. goldenrun358

    Preggo and having food aversions?

    Anybody else experiencing this? NOTHING sounds good to me! I had been eating very clean prior to getting pregnant. Here lately, nothing sounds good to me especially healthy things. I actually ate doritos today. I'm appalled! I can't complaint too bad, I'm not throwing up...just queasy...
  19. goldenrun358

    Cathe/ a/b stating STS

    I am SOOOO excited to get these workouts! I am ready for them physically and mentally. And I know they will be worth the wait and are going to be excellent. However, I just found out I am pregnant. Any thoughts on beginning this program. It is too intense? Should I wait? Any insight or...
  20. goldenrun358

    Any one here going to start STS

    Just wandering what those who are pregnant think about starting STS. Is it too intense? Or will you just modify? Thanks ladies!