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  1. W

    HELP -- Need Advice for Two Week Blast

    I am an advanced Cathe exerciser. Has anyone ever done a short term blast rotation for a special event? I have nearly every Cathe workout. Supplementing with biking and elliptical, but I think Cathe's step workouts are effective, so I'm looking for any recommendations and help. Thanks so...
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    Cathe -- LOVE your makeup in Road Trip pics!

    I, too, am a huge Bobbi Brown user for many since '96! I love your makeup always, but esp. in the pic on your website for th Roadtrip. It's the picture right under the one of the cake. It's exactly the kind of glowy, fresh look I love. I would so appreciate it if you would share...
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    What Kind of Body Scrubs Do You Use?

    I loved the body lotion thread....always looking for a good body lotions, so I figured I'd start a thread on this. I like a really granular scrub. Got2B's is good, some of Origins are okay, but looking for a really good one. Thanks!
  4. W

    Push/Pull, Supersets, Muscle Endurance

    Hi, Cathe. Love the new workouts! However, I am trying to come up with a rotation that incorporates the above workouts supplemented with cardio on my own for fat loss. Any ideas? Thank you very much. Ann Risler
  5. W

    Bands Used In Your Workouts

    Hi, Cathe. I can't wait for my your new workouts and workout enthusiastically with a pal to your other workouts! Question: where do you get the bands used in your workouts? Specifically, I like the length and tension of the ones you use. I have shorter, tougher ones. Thanks for the...
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    Old Cathe Treadmill Workout??

    I have been hearing good and grueling (:-)) things about this workout and I cannot find it anywhere. Does anyone have a link to this workout? Thanks so much!!
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    HELP! Can't Find Leaner Legs or Upper Body Split on Cathe's site

    Anyone know where I can get these? I want them in VHS or DVD, whichever I can get. Thanks! Ann Risler:-)
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    Workout Rotation for Maximum Leaning Out/Muscle Buildin...

    Hi, Cathe! Per your earlier response to my post/request (RE: Muscle Max & Muscle Endurance workouts v. Body Pump), I bought some more of your workouts to help me round out my library based upon my goals. In order for you to recommend a rotation, I am going to list what I have in total...
  9. W

    Muscle Max & Muscle Endurance workouts vs. Body Pump

    Hi, Cathe. First of all, thank you so much for your answer to an earlier post of mine. Thanks to your DVDs and tapes I have of yours, I am getting into the best shape of my life. On that quest, I have another question. I read in the Behind the Scenes link how you got into shape...
  10. W

    Legs & Glutes Workout from Body Blast Series

    Hi, Cathe. First, I am a huge fan of you and your workouts. They are the most effective workouts available! I have a question regarding the Legs & Glutes workout. In most of your workouts description/preview online, you state, (for example in Muscle Endurance), "Do this workout 2, but no...