Search results

  1. J

    Legs and Glutes...I love this workout!!

    I've been doing PLB and wanted to try this for a change. What a tough workout!! But I must say, Cathe definitely makes it fun. I just realized after doing this workout, that I LIKE doing leg presses, squats, and lunges now, whereas before I started working out, I hated them because I was so...
  2. J

    Can you tell me about P90X?

    What is it? I'm new to working out with home programs but have seen mentioned on the board. Is it similar to the Power 90 I've seen the infomercial for? More intense? Which Cathe workouts does it resemble most? Just curious. Thanks, Marcy
  3. J

    Which Step to buy.

    Definitely get the full size step. You can use it as a weight bench too. I actually just bought the high step and then the club step topper. For some reason it was few bucks cheaper that way, and I got the free Muscle Endurance video that comes with the high step. I ordered from fitness...
  4. J

    WHAT ARE SCHOOLS DOING TO OUR KIDS???? frustrating. I feel your pain. My kids are not in school yet, but we have my stupid in-laws to sabotage my kids' healthy eating efforts. I was feeding my 19 month old carrots, and while she normally likes them, she just didn't feel like eating them at the time. My MIL proceeds to...
  5. J

    Weights & Weight Loss

    I think weights and cardio together are the way to go. Everybody is different, but I have added weight training in this time, after resuming working out after baby #2 and the weight is coming off waaay faster. I have lost not only all of my baby weight, but 10 additional pounds that I put on...
  6. J

    How to eat to build muscle/definition on a lanky body?

    What other exercises are your clients having success with? TIA!
  7. J

    How to eat to build muscle/definition on a lanky body?

    This is a follow up to my recent post about which workouts are best to build muscle and definition on a lanky body. I wanted to know what is the best ratio of macronutrients to help this as well. I know clean eating is important, but there is so much conflicting info out there about...
  8. J

    Your 5 favorite HEALTHY foods?

    Only 5? Darn...thinking.... ok... 1 - Peanut Butter (I could eat this at every meal) 2 - Blueberries 3 - Salmon (lox style) on Rye crackers with onion and lite cr. cheese 4 - Plain Yogurt mixed with strawberries, almonds, and almond extract 5 - Tomatoes (I love anything with cooked...
  9. J

    Muscle Max question...

    Ohhh. I got it! Thanks for all your explanations. Makes sense now :) Marcy
  10. J

    Muscle Max question...

    Ok, this is probably a silly question, so excuse me ahead of time! :) I am new to using DVD's for Cathe, have used VHS until now. On Muscle Max, what is the difference between the Mix and Match and Chapters option. They both seem the same to me. TIA, Marcy
  11. J

    Which workouts will give lanky body some definition?

    RE: Ok, one more question.... **I NEED strength work for the upper body, because I don't tend towards muscle, and without it, I quickly get the "thin/fat" look that's more natural to me. (skinny arms, boney chest, but with some layers of fat..rather than the nice roundness and shaping that...
  12. J

    Which workouts will give lanky body some definition?

    Clare and Kathryn, Just wondering, why endurance for the lower body but not for the upper? I thought the heavier the better for gaining muscle mass and strength. I appreciate your responses! Marcy
  13. J

    Which workouts will give lanky body some definition?

    I'm pretty new to Cathe and have been using her workouts to help me lose most of my pregnancy weight. I am happy to say that I only have a few more pounds to go. :) I am definitely a lot more toned than I was before, but I really want to add even more definition to my arms and legs. Perhaps...
  14. J

    What are the differences between MM and MIS?

    I want one of these for a total body strengthening workout. What are your opinions/experiences with these two? TIA!