How to eat to build muscle/definition on a lanky body?

This is a follow up to my recent post about which workouts are best to build muscle and definition on a lanky body.

I wanted to know what is the best ratio of macronutrients to help this as well. I know clean eating is important, but there is so much conflicting info out there about percentages of macronutrients, 40-30-30 (Zone), 40-40-20 (BFL), 50-25-25, 60-25-15, yada yada yada.

I've been doing 40-30-30 as I feel I can do it pretty easily and not feel deprived. I just want to know that what I'm doing will accentuate the efforts from my strength training and cardio workouts.

I was thinking of getting the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle e-book that was mentioned, but am on a tight budget at the time. Plus, I'm still nursing my baby, so I don't want to do anything really too restrictive right now, calorie wise.

I'm looking forward to hearing your views. :)

I actually followed the 40-30-30 plan after I had both of my boys and had no problem nursing. I had plenty for them. The main thing about this program is I did not feel deprived and neither did my boys.

I put on 30lbs over the last 1 1/2 years due to stressful eating and not enough working out and the 40-30-30 plan is what I am going back to for taking it off and keeping it off.

edited to add that when I do this plan with working out you can see my muscles very nicely!



I don't think you need any special eating plan. Just make sure you have a serving of quality protein at each meal and maybe a protein bar for a snack if hungry during the day. This is all I do and I manage to add muscle onto my lanky frame!

Not in answer to you question but- I was wondering who wrote the book Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. I would love to know if I am eating right since I've added weight training to my workouts. Thanks Deanie:)
I keep harping on body-weight exercises, and it DOES work for lanky bodied females, too. I'm training two right now who I've switched over to push-up and stuff, and they both have a lot more muscle definition. You can tell a big difference literally from week to week.
Just Do It! :)
RE: How to eat to build muscle/definition on a lanky bo...

I second the body weight exercises. My trainer gave me a routine to get me in shape for my wedding (coming up in a month) and added lots of body weight exercises for my upper body. I have never been able to get definition in my arms, although they are skinny. The body weight exercises have helped a lot. Pushups, dips, balancing in plank position on the exercise ball, and these things she calls mountain climbers:

Start in pushup position. Bend your right arm and use your right arm to lower your body down, landing on your right elbow. Then put your left elbow down too. At this point, you are in plank position on your elbows. While lowering, your hips are parallel to the ground and not moving back and forth.

Then use just your left arm to push your body back up, then bring right arm up too (still keeping hips parallel). Repeat 5-10 times starting with your right arm, then switch and lower with your left arm and push up with your right. Sort of like alternating one armed pushups, but much more fun. Works your core too to prevent you from moving your hips.

Hope this helps!

Reverse push-ups also for upper body, and lots of lunges and squats for lower body. Lots of stuff with the stability ball, too, especially for abs and lower body.
Just Do It! :)

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