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  1. A

    Which video with my low ceiling, thanks

    Annette, I just wanted to tell you something on a seperate note. I think it is wonderful how everyone helps each other out in this forum. Not just responding, but taking the time for well thought out responses. I hope others see this as well, and heed the complement. I spent a couple of...
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    Which video with my low ceiling, thanks

    Annette, Thanks for your honest reply. Had a feeling that there would be limitations. Sounds like your suggestions might just make this do-able. Lo Max, Kick Max, KP&C/Legs & Glutes, Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance, and Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks. I noticed that these selections were picked...
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    Which video with my low ceiling, thanks

    Hi, I have searched and found little about space requirements for step routines. I have a ceiling which leaves only 26 inches of space between the top of my head, and you guessed it, my ceiling. I was intrested in purchasing LOw Max, and The Gym Series. Maybe even Kick Max, or Cardio Kicks (...
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    Limitations with Low Ceiling, figuring out which videos to use in this situation

    RE: Limitations with Low Ceiling, figuring out which vi... Hi Kim, thanks for your reply as well. Same question, which video do find work. Any comment about the videos Low Max, and Gym Series. Loks like you and I both need a logo. Thanks again for your concern, AO
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    Limitations with Low Ceiling, figuring out which videos to use in this situation

    RE: Limitations with Low Ceiling, figuring out which vi... Melissa, Thamks for your reply. I saw so many people pass up my question. I felt that many have encountered this delima. I like your Logo, pretty cool. I guess the high step videos are out of the question. And...
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    Limitations with Low Ceiling, figuring out which videos to use in this situation

    Hi, Prior to ordering either of the following sets, I would like to know what limitations would be imposed due to the low ceiling in my apartment. After considering this, please recommend which DVDs would work best in my situation. Either of the following sets : All Ten...