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  1. M

    Levitation holds in Core Max?

    Finner- I also found that if I do a more "yoga" like position -- i think it's called a "lotus????"--- rather than just crossing my legs, that helps alot. ALso I take my shoes off and that helps for some bizarre reason. good luck!:-)
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    Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrina Disaster

    Catwoman- I guess if your house was burning down you would sit there and wait for George Bush to come rescue you ---so you could then blame him for taking so long. First question-- what good is it for Mayor Negrin to declare a mandatory evacuation and then provide absolutely no...
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    Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle

    I haven't heard of this. WHat is it?
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    What to do now that August rotation is over!?

    good question Kellymom I was wondering the same thing. I was considering alternating the days of the August rotation with the January Fat blaster rotation. But I haven't decided. Now that I finally busted my plateau I don't want to backslide. Can't wait to see what the Sept rotation is.
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    Thank you for the August Rotation

    If it weren't for the August rotation I never would have known that I can run 5 miles, that I can do boot camp back to back and all the other killer workouts. I'm so proud of myself for doing everyday of the rotation without extra days off or slacking off. And I am proud of my results...
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    Final August Rotation Check in! YEAH!!

    CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who finished today. I have one more day to go! 3 miles and GS legs were killer today. I usually try to follow Cathe's rotations but I have never followed one so religiously and without extra days off. I have taken about a half inch off my waist and almost an...
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    Missing-- If found do not return

    Thanks Shelly- Sorry to hear my inches found you. I specifically told them to go to Gwenyth Paltrow. I always hail the lime cat and maybe if you show those inches the lime cat they will retreat in fear!
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    Cathe, Have you thought about doing a Bootcamp series?

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    We Need "I survived August Bootcamp" t shirts

    Cathe- How about some "I survived Cathe's August Bootcamp" tshirts? I know we still have a week to go and these old muscles are still trying to figure out what hit them, but I think a tshirt recognizing their effort would push me over the top.
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    Missing-- If found do not return

    Missing- about half an inch off my waist and about an inch off my big ole hips. thanks to the August rotation. No reward offered. If found, do not return. Instead, run like hell!
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    Migraine Headaches

    Waterlily I get migraines that last for minimum 72 hours straight without relief UNLESS I take my Imitrex shots right when I feel one coming on. DId you take the Imitrex pills or the shots? The pills didn;t really do much for me but the shots work like a miracle drug.
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    After Plateau buster--do I have to stay at this level o...

    RE: After Plateau buster--do I have to stay at this lev... That's a great idea, Honeybunch. I think I will do that! Thanks everyone for your input. Yall are such a great resource and support system!
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    After Plateau buster--do I have to stay at this level o...

    Hi everyone! I'm doing Cathe's August Plateau buster rotation and (at last!) I feel like I am busting my plateau (along with my behind). So let's say I do this level of activity for 4-6 weeks and get that last 10 pounds off, do I then need to stay at this activity level to keep it off or...
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    Cathe! I did it! 5 miles in 59:17 minutes!

    Thanks everyone!!! Although my leg muscles and old creaky bones are not as happy about it as I am..hehe! They are just going to have to get with the program!
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    Cathe! I did it! 5 miles in 59:17 minutes!

    Thank you Cathe for challenging me to run 5 miles in the August rotation. When I first saw that 5 mile run in the rotation, I thought "well, maybe I could do 3." But today I did the whole 5! Thanks again for pushing me to do more that I thought I could.:-)
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    August 05' Rotation: Boot Camp

    Cathe- If I die trying to make it through this rotation will you come to my funeral? I am really busy at work right now but I am going to do this rotation/challenge/torture schedule. Ya know why---because I deserve to be fit, healthy and beautiful. Thanks, you fitness godness.
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    How To Fire Glutes?

    LOL! I tried that. Sadly they kept showing up for work everyday like that guy on the cereal commercial that can't hear his boss fire him.
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    Is anyone doing South Beach?

    Thanks for the input everyone! I think I will add back some carbs and try something in between phase 1 and 2 for the next week (phase 1 1/2, I guess!)
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    Is anyone doing South Beach?

    I am trying to lose about 15 pounds and finally decided to do SB diet.The initial phase (first 2 weeks) doesn't allow any carbs other than from veggies and I am one week into it and having a hard time with lack of energy. I am trying to do my Cathe workouts 5-6 days a week but my energy level is...