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  1. T

    Drill max replacement - if that's even possible...

    Thanks Marcy - I figured some of those would work, but just looking at the workout desciption of drill max nothing really comes close, huh? I may just have to break down and buy this work out. Everyone raved about the Feb 07 rotation so I'm starting it today. Thanks for the info!
  2. T

    Drill max replacement - if that's even possible...

    I've searched the forums and haven't seen anyone ask if there is a replacement workout for Drill Max. I have all the workouts except for the 4 new ones. I've found what I can replace the other three with (and please let me know if these are correct): Low Impact Circuit --> Step, Jump &...
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    isagenix cleansing

    Has anyone ever heard of this or know anything about it?
  4. T

    fitness freaks circuit rotation

    Thanks for all your help! I guess if I'd wait to get the dvd's I'd know what was going on and wouldn't be bothering you!
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    fitness freaks circuit rotation

    What about the Gauntlet and Imax Xtreme?
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    fitness freaks circuit rotation

    What is "The Viper" workout? Never heard of that one.
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    fitness freaks circuit rotation

    Awesome, thank you so much!
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    fitness freaks circuit rotation

    beckymd had mentioned in a thread on the open discussion board about this rotation, but I can't find it anywhere. Can someone help me out with this?
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    I did it!

    Wow, Becky - thanks for the info. I definitely need to start with the FAT loss rotation! If I figured it up right you save about 240.00.
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    I did it!

    Not sure what I'll do first. The main reason I wanted to do this was so I could follow the rotations. High Step Challenge is the first workout for August, but we'll see. I still can't believe I did it. My SO and lil sis think I'm nuts. Only you guys know how normal I really am, huh? Gwyn
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    I did it!

    I can't believe it, but I ordered the 55 dvd discount bundle. I've been corresponding with customer support and you actually get more than 55. So, I bit the bullet and should have all of them sometime next week! I did a comparison and I really had more videos than I thought I did. If I...
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    discount bundles

    That's a good idea! SO told me he'd help pay for them (we're not married, but been together for almost 7 years), but I don't like taking money for things like that from him. If I could stand it, I'd wait until Christmas. But I can't wait that long. I'm still researching the videos and...
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    discount bundles

    Shelley has a good point in that I'm going to want them all and would eventually get them all, but then Michelle has a good point too. I'm not as dedicated and hardcore as I should be. Maybe the guilt of spending all that money would motivate me...? I think I'm just going to go for it...
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    discount bundles

    I have quite a few of Cathe's video tapes (CTX series, PUB, PLB, RS, Circuit Max, Muscle Endurance, S&H Tri/BI, S&H Legs/Shoulders, Power Max, Ab hits, IMax 2, C&W, Bootcamp, Supersets) and I'm thinking about converting all to DVD. Would it be worth it to go ahead and order the 57 discount...
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    Scare me with some stories, please

    I got a copper IUD in October 1995. I was told at the time that I couldn't leave it in more than 10 years and had it removed in December 2005. The insertion wasn't bad at all to me. I had a little bit of spotting (they didn't say I had to be on my period when they inserted it - and I wasn't)...
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    I'm a little freaked out!!

    What was the controversial thread about?
  17. T

    P90X: Daily Check in for Thursday May 12th

    Here's a link to the different rotations. I just started the lean rotation last night.