I did it!

I can't believe it, but I ordered the 55 dvd discount bundle. I've been corresponding with customer support and you actually get more than 55. So, I bit the bullet and should have all of them sometime next week!

I did a comparison and I really had more videos than I thought I did. If I added the dvds to the videos I currently have to complete the whole set I would have paid around 770.00. So why not just go ahead and upgrade all of it for 130.00 more?

So, now I have all these videos that I need to sale. Would anyone be interested in them? If so, I'll compile a list.

Wow that's exciting! I wish I did that in the beginning. I'll probably end up with all of them anyway. Much easier than ordering a few at a time!
Not sure what I'll do first. The main reason I wanted to do this was so I could follow the rotations. High Step Challenge is the first workout for August, but we'll see.

I still can't believe I did it. My SO and lil sis think I'm nuts. Only you guys know how normal I really am, huh?

WOW Gwyn, good for you! I should have done that to begin with myself. I just order one or two every month(usually two). I WILL have them all before everything is said and done:)

WOO HOO!!! I must say, I am rather jealous. I can't wait until I have enough titles to do a real rotation. I'm curious to know what the savings added up to, if that's not to nosey;) .
First comes the thrill and excitement, then comes the stress of deciding "which workout first", followed by the late nights and insomnia as you sit up all night viewing them before tackling them!:+

Just kidding! Congratulations!!!



"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-

I now have all of them too (except the ones for beginners)

Rotation wise, if you do Cathe's HC Fat Loss roation, Cathe'sCardio Blast rotation, Fitness Freak's Circuits rotation, and then Cathe's Strong Like a Bull Rotation, you'll have went through all of the videos (except the beginners) in 4 months.

I am finishing up the HC Fat Loss Rotation tomorrow and start the Cardio Blast on Monday.

Wow, Becky - thanks for the info. I definitely need to start with the FAT loss rotation!

If I figured it up right you save about 240.00.

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