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  1. L

    I just found out I am pregnant w/ #4!

    Thahk you all so much!!! What an exciting rollercoaster :)
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    I just found out I am pregnant w/ #4!

    Well, it was a shocker considering I haven't had a period yet from #3, she is 22 months old and still nursing. I took a few tests 2 weeks ago and they were neg. These all 3 were def. positive.
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    I just found out I am pregnant w/ #4!

    I haven't posted in awhile but i always read to see how everyone is doing, well I just found out I am pregnant w/ my 4th baby :) I must be crazy!!!!
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    Skin care regimen...

    I am loving the Dr. Weil serum from Origins. I also like the Kinerase C peptide serum. A great cleanser that is really inexpensive is the one from Aveeno, the redness reducing one. THere is also a line out called Agera that is absolutely wonderful!!!! Please let me know if you would like more...
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    Vegan or Zone better way to lose weight?

    I am having a heated debate with a friend of mine that insists that you must eat protein (Zone type diet) to lose weight and that vegans/vegetarians are over weighrt because they eat too many carbs. Any opionions?THANk you :)
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    Weight wathchers,BFFM, or starvation?

    Okay maybe not starvation, but which plan have most of you had more success on BFFM or weight watchers?TIA!!!
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    I took another pee test today

    Thank you all!!! Hopefully sometime soon I will have some baby news!!! s for what you said Sarah about your DS and the sippie cup, I feel for you as I know what it is like when I weaned my 2nd. It is so hard to let go of the sweet sounds and looking at the sweet faces and little ears. I just...
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    Weird pregnancy test

    OMG!!!! You all are too funny!!!! Well, I guess there will be a lot of peoplpe boycotting the goat cheese for awhile!!!! Thank goodness I don't eat dairy!!!! Maybe some day we will see that goat on David Letterman doing "Stupid pet tricks" doing it's fancy pooping.
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    I took another pee test today

    This time it was a digital Clear blue and it said"not pregnant". Kinda diddapointing but I know it will happen when the time is right. Anyways, I am still nursing my 3rd (she is 19 months old) no chastizing for that please...LOL! But I have yet to have a period, can nursing 2x a day really...
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    Weird pregnancy test

    It can have bad bacteria in it, that can cause food poisening. If I am I hope the wine tasting I did on Sunday didn't pickle the poor thing. LOL!!! I will let you all know next time I pee!!! Sarah, I used to be that way with the Pee tests but I have been pregnant so many times and have taken...
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    Weird pregnancy test

    Hi Sarah, How are you? Look at what you have started... "Burn the fat people" I really think you could become the next fitness icon!!! Yes, we are trying but whatever happens, happens. I am not going to be sad if it is neg. but it would be great if it was positive. THanks for the...
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    Weird pregnancy test

    I took a First response today and it came up with 2 lines after about 2 1/2 minutes, the 2nd line was very faint but I swear I saw it. Well, I went to look at it about an hour later and it was gone. I have been pregnant 6x before so I have taken many tests. I am breastfeeding right now so I have...
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    Magic Express-Disney WOrld

    We will be there on the 9th. We should have a Disney world Cathe event! LOL!
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    Magic Express-Disney WOrld

    Has anyone ever used the Magic express?My DH and I can't decide if we should use it or a limo. Any advice is appreciated :) Thank you :)
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    Cathe-Which workout plan is better fro fatloss?Circuits or straight cardio?

    Cathe, Thank you for taking the time to answer my post! I will definitely do what you say, as I always believe to follow the advice from someone that has the results you want! Thank you again for your commitment to fitness and integrity!!! Take care, SHeri :)
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    Cathe-Which workout plan is better fro fatloss?Circuits or straight cardio?

    Hi Cathe, First of all thank you for your great workouts!!! I was just wondering what you would suggest for trying to lose about 15 pounds. Would it be better to do 5-6 days of cardio and work one part a day or to do circuit full body workouts?THank you for your hard work and inspiration...
  17. L

    DIsney WOrld gluten free?

    OMG!!!! You are sooo awesome! I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful information!!!! You have truly saved me!!! I have been sick about his and you really made my year!!! THAnk you again!!!! Take care, SHeri :)
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    DIsney WOrld gluten free?

    I am going to DW in 2 weeks and I have no idea on how to do this gluten free. Any suggestions? We are staying at the Polynesian so I will have a fridge in my room, but what else should I do?THANk you :)
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    I am pretty sad today...

    Thank you all so much!!! Just to let you know, I am not sure who it was that was saying their nephew out grew celiac, but it is not something you outgrow. THe reason why I am letting oyu know is that there is a lot of misinformation out there and I hope that eventually everyone that does has...
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    I am pretty sad today...

    I am not here to whine to you guys but I have to pretend that i am strong in front of my family so i am here to vent, if you are not intereted in hreading this I am not offended what so ever :). My sweet 6 year daughter has been confirmed of celiac disease. It has been pretty heartbreaking for...