I took another pee test today


This time it was a digital Clear blue and it said"not pregnant". Kinda diddapointing but I know it will happen when the time is right. Anyways, I am still nursing my 3rd (she is 19 months old) no chastizing for that please...LOL! But I have yet to have a period, can nursing 2x a day really suppress ovulation that much? Just wondering....
THank you all for your wonderful support:)
Wow...you want another?;) You must LOVE kids!
I have had lots of disappointing test.And with everyone I take I think..Im not doing this anymore until I am 2 weeks late.And what do you know? I go buy another one two days after my period is suppose to start! Ive pissed away alot of money!! LOL:7
Im sure it will happen with time, if you really want it to.I sort of stopped trying and am letting nature take its course.We found out that it was going to be hard for DH and I to have a baby so we are just going with the flow.
I think, we think, that if we set our mind on it and it doesn't happen ,then we will have broken hearts.But both of us love kids..but they sure are alot of work!
Why on earth would anyone chastise you for nursing your daughter at nineteen months? I nursed my daughter until she was 14 months and only stopped because she was so disinterested that it was frustrating for both of us.

I say kudos to you for nursing:)

I'm sorry your test came back negative, but think how much fun it is trying;)
You absolutely CAN get pregnant while nursing! This may be TMI, but I'm pretty sure my DS was conceived on DD's 6-month birthday, the day BEFORE she had her first taste of solid food! (She was a preemie, so I insisted on nothing but breast milk for 6 months.) I continued to nurse DD during pregnancy, but my milk started drying up when she was around 10 months - my theory is that my body was devoting its resources to DS. I nursed DS for about 19 months too - nothing wrong with that, in my book! We stopped when he started losing interest. I'm a big supporter of breast feeding! I'm sure you'll get pregnant again when the time is right!
This brings up a question DH and I were discussing the other day. I didn't nurse my daughter so I don't understand the psychology of nursing a child for an extended period of time. DH had a friend whose wife nursed their child until she was four.

Could someone explain this to me? Maybe this is something that must be experienced and can't be explained. I'm just curious.
Candi - to be honest, I don't understand nursing until 4 either. I do understand it in third world countries where good food is not plentiful. Maybe someone could explain it to me?

I nursed my daughter until she was 14 months because it was our amazing, special time together. Before I had her, I planned only to nurse to six months. Her unwillingness to accept any kind of bottle didn't give me any choice but to continue beyond six months and by that point I was thrilled to do so. It was cheap, always available, never ran out. And you know, contrary to what Playboy tells us, that's what our breasts are for. Nursing babies:)
I nursed all of my 4 children for varying lengths of time. I nursed my youngest until she was 23 months old. The reason was sort of along the lines of "no processed food" for my baby at first. When she was old enough for cows milk the reason we continued was due to the comfort it gave her. She definately preferred to have me cuddle her than to just hand her a rubber nipple.
If I had to do it all over again, I would breast feed. I can't even tell you now why I chose not to except that I thought Playtex Nursers looked cool, LOL! Give me some leeway, I was only 19. I see how it would be a special bonding sort of thing.

One of the girls I work with just stopped breast feeding because it was getting to be difficult at work with leaking and stuff. We went on a business trip together with some men and some of the time outs I took with her were hard to explain. I just couldn't bring myself to tell the program director who is a retired Army Colonel, "Excuse me, we need to find a plug so we can pump some breast milk!" Poor thing. She was in and out of pain for two days. We would have to find a place to pump at any opportunity and there weren't many. Actually, this trip was a special bonding experience for us. We still laugh about the time we disappeared at the Montgomery Airport to find a Ladies room with an outlet. We never did explain that one!
I nursed my DD for 12 months and the ONLY reason I stopped so soon was because I was 3 months pregnant with my DS and the whole "uterus contracting when you nurse" scared me when I had a fetus in there! So I nursed him for 18 months. I stopped because I saw a "window of opportunity" to ween him gracefully and I thought I'd better take it. It was rough for me...cried on my mom's shoulder for some time! I still miss it. I was missing it really bad today when my DD was sucking on her sippy cup of milk...making that "swallow" sound while breathing out her nose...o.k., I'm going to go cry!:-( ;(

I don't think nursing really suppresses ovulation...my DD was only 9 months old when I conceived my DS.

ANYONE gives you a hard time about still nursing remind them that it is none of their business. They can raise their kid their way and you'll raise your kids your way!!
Thank you all!!! Hopefully sometime soon I will have some baby news!!! s for what you said Sarah about your DS and the sippie cup, I feel for you as I know what it is like when I weaned my 2nd. It is so hard to let go of the sweet sounds and looking at the sweet faces and little ears. I just love babies!!!!

You can still hold a baby and comfort them giving them a bottle so I don't understand your comment. There are women out there that can't successfully breast feed due to health reasons, like my SIL and are happy to have other options. Not to mention women who have to take medications and cannot breast feed.

Just another point of view.

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