Search results

  1. C

    Total Body Barbell

    I have done this twice and just wanted to comment that this is a great total body workout. I don't own a barbell, but free weights works just fine for me. I love the premix with the plate bonus. With the changing rep patterns, this adds a nice cardio effect. I like that it's not overkill but a...
  2. C

    What is the typical length of "Live" workouts?

    I am planning on subscribing to Cathe Live. I have a couple questions. What is the approximate length of most of her videos? Also, I have android devices. Can you mirror to your smart tv like you can with YouTube? Probably a dumb question but I am leary of technical issues due to my ignorance...
  3. C

    Daily Deals dvd question

    I have been wanting Afterburn. It is on her Daily Deals. I am also thinking ICE Chiseled Upper Body. I keep eyeing that one too. I am limited with triceps (hopefully not for long), so this seems like a good workout for me. I think I would like the ICE Upper body vs. LITE Upper body. Good...
  4. C

    Low Impact Series Afterburn & Total Body Trisets

    I feel like I missed out on the Low Impact Series back in the day. I have been acquiring a smattering of dvds from her older series. I am looking for a couple more total body workouts. I am thinking Afterburn and Trisets are two that would fit the bill. Any comments or suggestions? I like all my...
  5. C

    Storing bands

    Probably a silly question. I have a lot of bands. Fabric loop, tubing, stretching, body bands. How do you store them so they aren't in a big pile and easy to grab? I was thinking of putting up wall hooks in my workout room for light, medium and heavy. Not real attractive, but it's pretty much...
  6. C

    Planks vs. Crunches

    4 months ago I had ACDF surgery (neck fusion c5, c6, c7). My surgeon told me I can pretty much resume normal activities (yeah!), with some exceptions. I can't do a anything too jarring, such as stepping or running. He also told me for core work, to avoid crunches and do plank movements. Do you...