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  1. S

    Need kick box pointers

    I checked out a 'Kickboxing for Dummies' DVD from my library to get a slow motion lesson on exactly where my feet and fists should be. Diane
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    clean eating

    Co-Op directory for the US. Diane
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    BBC Question

    I haven't yet, but very tempted. Especially since I am currently still panting from Arms & Abs. Has anyone noticed that when they do a second round of exercises that are exactly the same as the first round that some of the film is actually from the first round? Or is it just me getting...
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    How Do You Learn The Choreography?

    I am also choreography challenged. I have been working on the advice to use a small mat or rug instead of the step, stand beside your TV instead of in front of it so you are 'facing' the same way as Cathe, and keep the remote in your hand....Still working on it. Diane
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    P90X wimp

    Do you have a 2-story house? I have started learning to do toe push-ups by using the steps. I have my feet at the bottom and started with my hands on the 5th step up and did 3 x 8 push-ups on my toes. I have now progressed down to the 4th step at 3 x 8. WooHoo! I am going to just keep dropping...
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    Step Storage

    I workout in the living room and am having a problem with were to store my step. Actually, the balance ball is a bit of a problem too. So, where to you store your step and all the other 'stuff' that goes along with your workout? Diane
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    Announcing STS - Cathe's Next Filming Project!

    I have never used the workout blender and don't see a need for it. If one was available, I believe it should be on a separate DVD to lower costs if it would indeed affect pricing. :D Diane
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    Another STS Question

    I JUST ordered a comparable meal planning software program that was rather expensive and am thinking of cancelling that order because of this announcement. My question is which company is the new software coming from? If the same as what I have ordered I will just keep it. If different I would...
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    Liking The Least

    Why is it that the part of my body that needs the most work, as in thighs and butt, requires the exercises that I like the least, as in squats and lunges? Diane
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    Aspirin/Pain Reliever

    My DH believes that by taking aspirin/pain reliever he is 'masking' the pain. An injury or DOMS would be too easily aggravated or made worse if you don't feel the original pain to let you know you have a problem. Am I making sense here? Do you take aspirin/pain relievers? I am ok with it if I...
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    I'm addicted to GROCERY shopping!!!

    Hope this is ok to mention- I used to hate grocery shopping til I signed up with . Every week they list all the items on sale and especially on sale with coupons. You do have to start saving coupons which can be another project in itself, but for the last 2 years I have...
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    Ab Wheel

    I have an ab wheel I got at Goodwill years ago. You know, one of those wheels with handles on each side that you get on your knees and roll out on the floor while holding onto. Is this thing safe? Effective? Diane
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    12 lbs ?

    I really like the concept of the platemate or paceweights but am having trouble with the costs. What are the thoughts on using ankle/wrist weights? I have a set each of 1 lbs and 5 lbs from Goodwill and thinking of using these as my extra weight. Would I be better off using around my wrist...
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    BBC Weight Worksheets

    >Thanks so much, Diane (aka Shouldbesad)! Your welcome. Just a FYI...I just did my first attempt at BBC Arms and Abs and holy cow. I thought the X was tough. I admit I only used 5 lbs today but will go up to 8 next week (if I make it thru rest of week of these). The cardio hammered my legs...
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    ONE more post about BBC....

    If anyone is interested, I have made-up some very basic worksheets to go with the 4 weighted BBC workouts. Since they give no weight recomendations, all they show is the exercise name and the reps or minutes/seconds each is done. You fill in the dates and your own weights used. They are on an...
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    12 lbs ?

    I noticed yesterday while doing GS Back Shoulder and Biceps that Cathe uses a 12lb dumbbell and I curious if anyone else out there uses this weight? It seems like it would be a better transition from 10 to 15 but wondering if necessary. Have also heard somewhere that there is like a 1 or 2...
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    Leslie Sansone & Ballet DVD's, Yoga Pants

    From another message board I visit: Code CCAB will give you 15% off your total order Leslie Sansone dvd's $8.99 (retail $85) Toned and Healthy DVD Set - Six DVDs on a variety of healthy lifestyle topics, like walking, yoga, weight loss and sleep...
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    Any chance of an early look at November's rotation?

    I would also appreciate a peek so that I know what workouts to acquire in advance. :P Shouldbesad
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    Safety Gear for runners, vest and light 6.99

    Found this on another message board: Nike Running Safety Set White/Black/Reflective Red Includes Running Safety Vest and Swoosh...
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    Different Steps

    Checking it out. Any differences in the steps I could know about? Thank you :) Shouldbesad