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  1. B

    My Bathroom Renovation is Finished - Take a Look

    Your bathroom looks great! Looks like a high dollar professional spent a few weeks in there! Great job. Barbara
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    The original Imax

    I have had this one for 3 months now and still haven't done it yet. I guess I have always been afraid of this one because I always hear how it's the hardest of the Imaxs. You just motivated me to do it! :D I'll let you know what I think about it. If you don't hear from me in two days, call...
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    Cathe, FitnessFreak, Aqua-Jock ...Please HELPPPP

    These are some great rotations! I'm gonna try and substitute some of the dvds I have with the ones you chose for these rotations. I wish I had them all now. I think I have enough of her workouts that I won't miss anything. I hope anyway!:D Thank you for taking so much time to come up with...
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    I don't take fat burners, I really think that in the long run they are horrible for you and ruin your metabolism. As for protein powders, I absolutely love Labrada prov60. The vanilla one tastes so good! I make a shake with bananas and strawberries, it comes out really good. It doesn't have...
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    Just Curious.... Does Anyone?

    I think it's muscle endurance - where she does the three sets of leg presses with 10 pound weights - I use 25. For the pyramid lower body I use more also. I never seem to use more than her for the upper body though! Barbara
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    Lessons from Fathers

    I think I admire my dad more than anyone else. I have never met someone so honest, so patient and so straight forward. He doesn't lie, doesn't run stop signs, doesn't get drunk, never did drugs - all because "you just aren't supposed to". He is a wonderful dad and I have learned pretty much...
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    building muschle

    RE: building muscle I am also interested in what Cathe has to say about this. Even though working hard for over three years now and eating very well, I also have a few problem spots back there. This area sure seems the slowest to "fix"! Good question Kacy!:7 Barbara
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    Please Pray for my mom and Dad!!!

    So sorry about your parents. How hard this must be for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Barbara
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    What's Dad or DH getting for Father's Day?

    My dad is getting some goodies from A Southern Season (an online store). He loves sweets and snacking! My husband is getting a card from the cats.:7 If you haven't guessed, we don't have kids just yet! Barbara
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    Help feed people and animals with just a click a day

    What great sites! Thank you for sharing these. I'm always on the lookout for helping others and animals. Speaking of saving the seals - on the humane society website you can buy stamps with the baby seals on it to also help against slaughtering. I just ran out and now bought some to help...
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    Finally here!

    Thank you guys for welcoming me. You made my day and put a smile on my face! Barbara
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    How old are fitness finatics

    I am 28 and have been working out on and off since high school. Been seriously working out now for three years and with Cathe for just over a year. Thank god for Cathe! Now that I know how good it feels to be consistent with eating healthy and working out, I will never go back! Barbara
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    shave or wax?

    I have real sensitive skin so I can't really shave or wax there. I use an electric razor that's made to shave the bikini area. While it's not as smooth as shaving or waxing, you still can't see hair there. I envy those who can wax! Barbara
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    I'm askeered...

    I agree with everyone else. The name sounds very intimidating, but it's so fun and fast paced that it's over before you know it. A great workout! Good luck and let us know how it went!
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    Finally here!

    Thank you for your help! I would never have figured that out. I'm off to go buy some plants. You guys have a wonderful day! Barbara
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    Finally here!

    Okay, let's see if I did right!
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    Finally here!

    Thank you guys so much for responding! You truly are wonderful - and Shelley, you always did make me laugh! Thanks for the advice - i'm gonna try it out right now.
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    Finally here!

    Hello everyone! I have been reading these forums and working out to Cathe for over a year now. It took me this long to figure out I could set up a hotmail address to be able to write on these forums. Yeah, I know, pretty dumb!:7 Anyway, this forum has such great people! I feel like I know...
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    Cathe Compendium

    I finally figured out how to get on the forum after a year! I have been dying to get the cathe compendium! Could someone email it to me please?? Thank you in advance! [email protected] Barbara
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    how many animal lovers out there?

    I have three spoiled rotton kitties! I rescued them when I was working at a vet hospital. I was always a dog person (still am), but now love my cats and wouldn't trade them for the world! Barbara