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  1. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Tuesday 1/15

    Hi Ladies ~ :) Late start this morning. Had my Orthopedic appointment @ 9 a.m. Same old, have arthritis in my right knee. Seems to have gotten worse, she knew all the right places to push.....argh!!! They gave me a cortisone shot, and I was going to schedule the alternative shots, but...
  2. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Mon. 01/14 New Week Started! Are you ready?

    Good Morning Ladies ~ :) HAPPY MONDAY!! Is it Friday yet? :) Ok, W1 for me. I am going to do this!! I did stop off at WaWa this morning. I had to get gas, so why not get a coffee :9 Rat droppings and all!!! :9 LOL No donut though ... YAY!!! Weight~ 123.5 (up almost 5 pds...
  3. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Sunday....get ready for a NEW week!

    Hi Jean~ Welcome!! I could of written your post. This will be my 4 or 5th (lost count) challenge...I got to W6 on my last challenge! Tomorrow I am starting again. We can do this together!! :):) Have a great night! Off to bed, need to be at work early tomorrow! C'mon Feb...
  4. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Sunday....get ready for a NEW week!

    Hi Ladies~ I just finished Power Max (remember this one .. LOL) I thought I would break it out, I think it's been quite a while since I did this one. Got a good workout even though I can only use a 6inch step height. Don't sweat as much as I do w/ a 8 inch, but it will have to do...
  5. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Sunday....get ready for a NEW week!

    Gayle~ Great Job on the ##'s drops...YAY! :) Your pics look great, your abs are really coming along nicely!! Have fun watching football today!! Belinda~ I know how you feel, sometimes I have a hard time getting all my meals in. It's hard to remember to eat sometimes at work. I almost...
  6. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Sunday....get ready for a NEW week!

    Good Morning, Ladies ~ :) I am determined to get back on track this week. I am making up some soup for the week, and will make a few batches of Protein Pancakes. Need to stop by the store for a few things, but other than that I am set to go :) Note to self; STAY AWAY FROM WAWA...
  7. Fitness-Mom

    BFL 01/12 Weekend Check-In

    Hi Ladies~ Just did Tae Bo ~ Get Ripped Advanced 1. I probably only did 30 mins, but my heart rate was up there. I would of continued if my inner thigh/groin muscle didn't start to hurt. I think I pulled it a few months ago when doing Yoga, how long does it take to heal? I guess I...
  8. Fitness-Mom

    Biggest Loser - Workout DVD's?

    Hi Everyone ~ :) Has anyone done any of the Biggest Loser's DVD's? I did a search on Amazon, and it looks like they got some good reviews. What do you think? Biggest-Winner-Complete-Workout- "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~...
  9. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Thursday, January 10th

    Thanks Gayle~ :) Meeting is finally over, Whew! My water intake today is even getting better. So far this afternoon, I drank 3-24 oz bottles! Our gym put in step machines, so I will have to try them out this week. I stayed w/ the elliptical machine today. Hill Plus/Intervals. Only...
  10. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Thursday, January 10th

    Workout done...YAY!! I feel so much better, and there was cookies in the kitchen and I didn't eat ANY!!! :) BBL, have a meeting from 1-3 :( "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~ ="
  11. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Thursday, January 10th

    Hi Ladies~ Ok, so I contacted the new gym near my house. He gave me the low down on the prices and it turned me away.. Not so much the monthly fees, 50/mth (no contract), 55/mth (contract) I could handle, but their Initition fee is $100.00... That's crazy!!! Susan~ Sorry to hear...
  12. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Thursday, January 10th

    Good Morning, Ladies ~ :) I'm back...sometimes it's hard to get back on when I'm at work, but I try to type up the post, and then copy and paste...this way they can't say I am on the internet too much .. LOL :) I am tired of feeling sorry for myself, and as of today (RIGHT NOW) I am...
  13. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Thursday, January 10th

    HI Ladies~ :) Just wanted to say Hello! I will be right back, I am going to try and catch up on personals! :) "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~ ="
  14. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Wednesday, January 9

    Hi Ladies~ :) I am looking to purchase a MP3 player so I can finally get onto the itrain bandwagon. Any ideas of a good one to buy? I know they aren't that expensive. I did find my DD Ipod, but it's not working. I even charged it thinking the battery died, still nothing :( "Today...
  15. Fitness-Mom


    RE: Orthoarthritis? Thanks ~ Tneah. You are correct, it is Osteoarthritis, don't ask me where I got Ortho...LOL :) "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~ ="
  16. Fitness-Mom


    I was curious to see who suffers from Orthoarthritis? I was told by my Orthopedic in early June that I was showing "small" signs. Since seeing him over the summer, my knee has not gotten any better, maybe even worse. I still have flare ups & swelling every week, if not everyday! I am unable...
  17. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Wednesday, January 9

    Good Morning, Ladies :) Ok, I have to confess, I didn't get out the door for my workout this morning :( The bed was so warm and comfy :) It would be alot easier if I had a treadmill or- elliptical at home. I hate having to drag all my work clothes/shower stuff to the gym. Looks like...
  18. Fitness-Mom

    Happy BFL Tuesday

    Melissa~ How did Imax 3 "Blast Only." Go? I did this one a few times, great way to get your HIIT in. I'm not sure if my knee could handle that right now :( Maybe this weekend I will try it. Michelle~ I hear you on the HIIT. I normally do the elliptical and after 5 minutes I ready to...
  19. Fitness-Mom

    Happy BFL Tuesday

    Hi Ladies ~ :):) I'm Back, I am soooo Back!! These last few days been horrible, but you guys were always there for me when I needed you & I want to THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!!!! :):):) Making up my meals for tomorrow. So far; B~Either a Protein Shake or- Protein Pancakes...
  20. Fitness-Mom

    WORST Foods of 2007

    I had one of Wendy’s Baconator's a while back. After I finished it I thought let me check the facts...I think I almost vomited..I couldn't believe it. "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~ ="