Happy BFL Tuesday

Hi Gayle and everone,

Gayle: Saw you fly by me too along with the dear that I almost ran into! The trails here are really mushy but luckily my trail shoes are water resistant. But who cares about mud when your enjoying just being outside for the first time in a loooong time. :)

I am really missing my DD because we usually do the Ravenswood Trails together on days like this. :-( She'll be back at the end of the month....I hope! She might be having too much fun being with her cousins in the Cayman Islands. She just had to call me to tell me that she was out dancing again last night and her cousin was in shock how many guys kept asking her to dance with them. She sure is getting a lot of attention down there! Her boyfriend up here is going to be really jealous!!!! (DD is a good girl though so don't take me wrong :D ) That is just the way it is on the island.

Have to run...time to get DS from school. BBL
Hi ladies,

I ended up doing Low Max and Abs from MIS! ! My leg was hurting with the lunges, but otherwise I felt great! I will take ibuprofen until tomorrow, I have no pain! I will try to do a leg workout ( PLB) tomorrow! Maybe all I needed was a good workout!??? LOL!

I finally have time for personal!

Thanks ladies for cheering me up yesterday! I was eating clean yesterday and today! I can do this!

Michelle – great job on getting up and getting your workout done so early! I slept until 9 a.m.! LOL! I can’t get out of bed last few days! I usually get up by 6 am!

Heidi – I hope your DH is feeling 100% soon! Enjoy your run! What happened in Missouri is awful!! We do have a beautiful gym on post, I forgot about riding a bike! Thanks!

Kathy – congrats on dropping the weight! I am 44 too! I can’t wait until my DH returns form the states on Saturday, so I do iTread! I am waiting for my MP3 player!

Gayle thanks for posting your recipes! They look really yummy! I will make the soup tomorrow! Thanks you for the protein pancakes! I have measure everything otherwise I will overeat! I try to stay between 1200 – 1500 calories! So far so good! Day two of clean eating! I can do this!

Carolyn – nice workout choice this morning! I do have to eat before I work out, otherwise I pass out! I went to the doctor this afternoon, but couldn’t get an appointment! I only saw a nurse and she told me to take ibuprofen! My leg is feeling thanks for the ibuprofen a lot better! It feels like in my quadriceps!! I will take it easy! I am stretching my leg a lot! Thank you!

Susan did you get your sore IT band checked out? My leg is feeling much better after I did my workout! Funny isn’t it?? Great job on your workout! Thanks!

Melissa thank for the protein pancakes recipe! I will make them tomorrow morning!

Have a great day!
Ooops, I posted this in yesterday's thread....LOL!

Sherry – I really like 4DS LIS, too. It’s such a fun workout and each segment is just the right length. Now I’m going to have to pull it out this weekend! Yep, the first time I do a different workout I get really bad DOMS but after that, it doesn’t affect me as much.

Michelle – It takes time to build your cardiovascular endurance back up, don’t be discouraged. Before you know it, 20 minutes will be a breeze.

Heidi – Sorry, but I was just cringing reading your post about your DH’s knee. Yikes! I’m glad he’s all better and recovering. Did the OS give you a more detailed account of what exactly was wrong with his knee? Oh, and iTread 24 is slowly making it up to the top of my favorites list of iTreads. I just love how she builds up the intensity in the first half and blasts off in the second. I love all the sprints at the end!

Susan – Great job on such a good eating day yesterday! I’ve had ITband problems in the past, too. I actually wore one of those ITband straps above my knee during my first marathon. I started stretching more and it finally healed.

Gayle – Awww, I’m jealous that you’re out there in this beautiful weather running and I’m stuck in this stuffy building, lol. Sounds like you had some awesome runs. Thanks for the recipes, too!

Belinda – Wow, I hope your leg gets better. I think some light cardio would be fine as long as YOU feel it’s okay. Don’t push yourself too hard, it may just get worse and not heal as fast. Maybe some good seated/lying down upper body work will feel good, too. I did a lot of that during my knee recovery, it kept me from losing my mind (not being able to run and do my Cathe’s).

Melissa – I love blueberries in my protein pancakes, too. I tried to put a ripe banana in them last night and it was a disaster! The batter was too runny and stuck to the pan. I was able to salvage about half the recipe (by cooking it on REALLY low heat) but had to toss the rest. Darn!

Carolyn – Thanks! I love to combine the Drills only premix with 4DS Bootcamp Drills, it’s like a non-stop hour of fun!

Ahhh..workday almost over! And I made it through without my sugar w/ a splash of coffee. Thanks for the encouragement SUSAN!!

You know, I was going to post earlier about how disappointed I was with my leg workout last night. I did it BFL-style, ;-) , and used all of my plates so I went as heavy as I possibly could. But no DOMS this morning. Then I just got up to re-fill my water bottle and my quads are starting to feel a little tender. So I'm not going to complain! :7

Planning on doing Imax 3, blast-only premix for my HIIT tonight. I hope I survive!!!
Clean day for me so far!
Belinda, yes I have been going to physical therpy for 3 weeks now. Thursday is my last visit. I get an ultrasound, major stretching some electrode thingies and a heat pack. I think its helping.
Kathy-how long did you suffer with IT band pain? PT along with advil is really helping.
Melissa-Good Girl!!! Are you trying to give coffee up completly? That is one thing I won't give up. I just have 2 cups a day though and one is half the caffeine. I don't drink any other forms of caffeine..so I allow myself that. I go to bed dreaming of my morning coffee!!!
Ohhhhh! darn it.... I am so used to writing letters with Dear So and So and I meant Deer not Dear. :7 That "Deer" scared the heck out of me when it just popped out of no-where. :eek:

I love running the trails here. There are many wild animals to be seen. It just makes my day! :)

Kathy: That iTread is tough but loads of fun for me too.:)

Gayle: I like the iTread Set 1 20min for a quick interval run. :)

Have dinner to cook...be back later.Heidi
Hey Susan! Yes, I am trying to give up coffee completely. The coffee itself isn't bad, it's the sugar and splenda I put in it that was getting out of hand. I haven't had any since December 30th...:7 .

So, I get home from work today and what came in the mail?? The Victoria's Secret Swim catalog. I just flipped through it. I didn't quite care for any of the bikinis, but it was a good reminder that I want to wear one this summer! Well, off to do Imax 3 blasts. I'm just going to keep repeating to myself "I WILL WEAR A BIKINI THIS YEAR...I WILL WEAR A BIKINI THIS YEAR!!!". Maybe that will get me through it!

Have a great night everyone!!
Hi Ladies ~ :):)

I'm Back, I am soooo Back!! These last few days been horrible, but you guys were always there for me when I needed you & I want to THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!!!! :):):)

Making up my meals for tomorrow. So far;

B~Either a Protein Shake or- Protein Pancakes (trying to get off the coffee kick!) LOL :)
S~Apple/2-Boiled Eggs
L~Chicken Stew (recipe from Fitbytracey.com)
2 T. vegetable oil
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 can low fat cream of chicken soup
2 (14.5 ounce) cans low sodium chicken broth
1 teaspoon chili powder
2 cups cubed, cooked chicken meat
1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 (16 ounce) package frozen mixed vegetables
In a saucepan over medium heat, heat oil. Cook green bell pepper and onion until tender, stirring often.
Add soup, broth, chili powder and cooked chicken. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 10 minutes.
Add tomatoes and mixed vegetables. Cook for 30 minutes and then serve.

S~Protein Pancakes (If I don't have them for b'fast))
D~Fish, veggies & salad w/ f/f Italian.

I am really going to try and wake up early tomorrow and hit the gym. I would love to start the C25K program again, but I don't think my knee is going to let me. I only did about 10 minutes "TOP" stepping on Sunday, and my knee is flared up and aching. Would you suggest doing the elliptical on Level 1 for now? I normally try to increase it as HIIT each minute! I am going to schedule a Orthopedic appt tomorrow, so they can have another look at it.

Melissa~ I feel for you about the coffee, How do you do it? My Wawa coffee is my staple in the morning, but I so have to quit. It's mainly like a "treat" for me. I put so much darn creamer in it, I think their is only 1/2 cup coffee :9:) Tea for me tomorrow morning. I am going to do this with you!!! Let's keep each other in line, ok? :)

Gayle~ How did you enjoy the beautiful PA weather again today. I actually had my window open during lunch today...haven't done that in a while :) Sounds like you had a great run yesterday.

Well, I'm off to get my stuff together for the gym tomorrow morning. This way NO EXCUSES for not doing it after work!!! :)
What time is check-in in the morning? 5a.m.?? I probably will get out of the house by 6-6:30a.m. and to work by 7:30..:)

I'm going to catch up on personal..Be back in a bit!!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


Hi Jennifer! Nice to see you back :) .

I have no idea how I kicked the coffee. I never thought that I would, but I just woke up on Day 1 (12/31) and decided I didn't need it anymore and I haven't had it since. It bothers me sometimes, but it's not as bad I thought it would be.

Melissa~ How did Imax 3 "Blast Only." Go? I did this one a few times, great way to get your HIIT in. I'm not sure if my knee could handle that right now :( Maybe this weekend I will try it.

Michelle~ I hear you on the HIIT. I normally do the elliptical and after 5 minutes I ready to call it quits..LOL
How do you do your HIIT on the Elliptical? Lately I have been setting it on Hill Plus, and doing intervals that way. Any ideas?

Heidi~ How is your DH? Sounds like you had a rough day, I don't blame you a bit for that chinese...YUM :9 I agree w/ you, I think that Ortho was full of crap...he was hiding something!!

I started taking my prescription again for my knee...anti-flammatory...maybe this will help me a bit..I guess I should really pick up some Bio-Flex again...never had problems when I was taking that.

Off to bed, early rise tomorrow ...


"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"



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