BFL Thursday, January 10th

Thanks Gayle~ :)
Meeting is finally over, Whew!

My water intake today is even getting better. So far this afternoon, I drank 3-24 oz bottles!
Our gym put in step machines, so I will have to try them out this week. I stayed w/ the elliptical machine today. Hill Plus/Intervals. Only kept the level on 2 b/c of my knee, but I was sweating and my heart rate was up there :) It stated 180 HR, but you know how that goes. I could def feel I was in my zone though. Got off and my legs were shaking ... LOL

Now, I am trying to decide what type of leg workouts I can do that won't hurt my knee. I know GS Legs/PLB both have floor there any others? Doesn't L&G have some also? I will have to pull out good 'ol Buns of Steel .. LOL Always a goodie!

Tomorrow is PUB...Saturday I am to meet Wendy for a early morning Yoga (Heated) class :)

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


Hi girls,

Michelle you can always count on me! Great job on the clean eating! What keeps me straight, I am writing everything down! We can do it!

Melissa how is your DH doing today? Glad he is o.k.! Poor guy!

Sherry I definitely will order the EFL book! I’m a vegetarian! Great job on the clean eating! I am doing well so far! Hope you fell better!

Gayle nice job on your workout! Do you work your abs every day? That is great that you are prepared and well-stocked! I am planning my meals ahead of time too! How funny we both decided to check out our Cathe catalog! Yes, I feel fat every day!

Susan I hope you enjoyed your power walk this morning! Sorry your IT Band is still bordering you!

Kathy I hope you had fun with iTrain! Congrats on the weight loss!

Jennifer it is evening here in Germany! Where does you BF brother live? My DH dad is originally from Italy! I remember you from the RT! Alesia is a beautiful girl! Good for you not eating those cookies!

Have a great day!
Hello ALL!!

I'm stuggling with the personals today -- please forgive me. I read EVERY post though!!

I LOVE reading this thread!! This is the longest I have EVER stayed with a check-in group! Usually I feel like I'm just typing to myself, that nobody is reading, and I'm just going on and on, blah blah blah. For the first time I feel like we ALL actually care about each other.

We all have our perfect days and announce it and people congratulate us. Then we all have our down days and the other gals pick us up, dust us off, and motivate us to do better tomorrow.

I can't wait to eat well or work out so I can post about it. And when I had that "incident" yesteday with the tape measure instead of pigging out I couldn't wait to vent to you gals. I really had no one else to turn to -- who the heck else would have cared?

What I'm trying to say is -- together we ALL are going to do this. Yes, Jennifer, I see even YOU have come around after being down for a couple weeks. I am so proud of you and I will lift you up whenever you need it!! We are ALL in this together!! I have never felt so strong and so empowered!

Thanks ladies!!
P.S. Man, why am I feeling so sappy today?? :)
Hi ladies...ugh, what a long day. So nice to read through this thread and feel everyone's motivation and happiness. You guys are so PEPPY!!! I FEEL YOUR ENERGY...who says that?!?!?!

Okay, quick update on DH. The urologist recommends him trying to pass the stone on his own..x( . It's out of kidney now, so they can't break it up. He was very honest about the pain level, we are talking child-birth pain when that little sucker comes out. I feel so bad for him! If it doesn't come out in about a week, they'll go in and get it. He's on pain meds so he's feeling okay.

Michelle - I was just looking at the EFL cookbook at the bookstore. It looks great. I'm going to go back this weekend and grab it up. I feel the same way as you about participating in this thread every day. I LOVE IT!! It's really keeping me motivated. Every day I can't wait to post! We all really do care about each other and it really comes through. Okay, maybe I'm a little sappy today too!! {{{GROUP HUG}}}.

Gayle - that's great about your summer clothes. And yes, "feeling fat", I know that feeling well. Glad you are over it.

Jennifer - you sound so upbeat and motivated today. Good for you for getting on track and resolving to stay there!!

Susan, Kathy & Belinda - HI!!!!

Eating has been clean today, but really sporadic and I wouldn't really call anything that I've had so far a "meal".

I'm going to do PUB and a quick HIIT tonight to make up for missing UB last night.

Thanks again everyone for your concern and well-wishes. Aren't we becoming quite a little group of FRIENDS...:* :7 :+
Okay, I have a question. May be a little odd...

Does anyone know if scrambled eggs will keep in the refrigerator? I was thinking of making a big batch on Sunday to last me the week.

Hello everyone!:)

Hello Melissa: Sorry to hear about your DH! Geesh what a pain in the....This is going to hurt him alot when it passes. My brother in-law went through this not so long ago. Were they able to break it up some? I wish him well soon.

Gayle: Great job on your workout and abs today. Feel the burn!}( I agree with you on the time it takes to grab the medicine ball or stability ball isn't enough. I have to do the same.
You are making me laugh about checking out the cataloge...I was doing the same. I received an email notice about the upcoming STS presale and decided to do inventory on current DVDs that I was missing. What are your thoughts on Circuit Max&Cardio Kicks. Also, Cardio Hits and Drill Max. Are they worth buying? A few of the current rotations had these dvd's listed and I had to figure out what to sub with.

Michelle: Your doing great with your workouts and eating-clean. Stick with it and you'll see those measurements declining soon. :)

Belinda: I too have DVD's by Cathe that I haven't opened yet. These are the hardest and most intense workouts. I don't have the flooring for them right now so I haven't bothered opening them.

Sherry: Great job on sticking with eating-clean so far this week!
How is your headcold? Did it ever materialize? Hopefully not! Keep well and stay hydrated.

Susan: Great job on your workout today! Question: Is Supercardio from Cathe?

Kathy: Wow...back to back iTread's! I did the iTread Set 9 60min today. But I only had time for about 20min of it because I had to bring my DH to the Doc for a recheck of his recent surgery. I went to work then had to take DH to the hospital for another UltraS on his leg to make sure the blood-clot was gone. It does appear to be gone thankfully!
Good for you for keeping off that 1 pound loss! Keep going because you can do it!:)

Jennifer: Please be careful with your knee. I would not suggest doing the stairclimber right now either. Get your knee checked out to make sure you haven't torn something or are rubbing bone against bone. Thinking of you...Take care.

Have I missed anyone? Hopefully not. Sorry I have been busy as of late with DH. But you all understand and that is what is so great about this check-in. Thank you all for being here. :7

Have a great night everyone. BBT Heidi
Melissa - Thank you so much for putting that into words (I feel the exact same way). I struggle with check ins sometimes because I become overwhelmed with personals or feel like I'm just blabbering too much, lol. I come into our thread everyday and get re-inspired again. Thank you so much everyone! (((big group hug))) :)

I try to keep up with everyone by reading the posts but sometimes it's impossible for my little pea brain to remember all the details. I hope I'm able to support you all as much as I feel supported. ;-) Thanks again.

Kathy G
Heidi-Cardio Kicks is my ALL TIME FAVORITE Cathe kickbox workout. I LOVE this one! I get such awesome upper body DOMS from it too. I've done all her kickbox, and this one is on the very TOP of my list. Just something fun and more "cario-ish" than the others. LOL I feel I get a much better cardio workout with it. I haven't done Circuit Max in a long time, but that one's fun too! Drill Max is another favorite. It is like a Boot Camp with different moves and exercise. And Cardio Hits are oldie but goodie workouts. Those older step workouts are a keeper when you just wanna step along into a sweatfest! LOL. I guess my SHORT answer would be I LOVE ALL THOSE THAT YOU MENTIONED! HA!

Also, are you liking your Pace Mates??? I've got my eyes on the set and am SOOOOOOOO tempted to buy it. Did you get the case (I think I remember you didn't), and do you wish you did/didn't? Think they're worth the price???

Ok....I'm actually heading to bed early...2 nights in a ROW! What's with that? lol

Heidi, I agree with Gayle..I LOVE Cardio fun fun!!!!
and Super Cardio in an old Firm workout.
Nite Nite
Hi Gayle and Susan,

Gayle: I really like the pace weights. I did get the full set and the case. My DS's use them also. :) My youngest son was just showing me how many chest presses he could do with my BB loaded up with 85#'s! He is only 12 but sure is strong.

Susan: Thanks for the info on Super Cardio. I do have some of the Firm workouts. I will have to check to see if I have this one. :D

Well...I guess I did my shopping list for Cathe's upcoming STS release. I plan on tacking on the Cardio Kicks/Max and Cardio Hits also. Maybe get a couple extra step risers as well. I feel like I am too low on the bench for doing weight work.

Have a great night...see you here hopefully early tomorrow. :) Heidi

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