Good Morning, Ladies ~
I'm back...sometimes it's hard to get back on when I'm at work, but I try to type up the post, and then copy and paste...this way they can't say I am on the internet too much .. LOL
I am tired of feeling sorry for myself, and as of today (RIGHT NOW) I am going to do something about it. Things are not going to happen if I don't go after them and want them enough!!
They opened a new gym down the road from my house. Even though I have a membership with, "Planet Fitness," states on their website that they will offer upto 2-months free
with proof of current membership at another gym. The name of the gym is, "Old School Fitness." I have never heard of them. GAYLE~ Is there any out near you? As my BF says, they are a small, unknown gym, they won't last. I like that they offer classes, this would probably help me keep myself in line if I would be able to work out w/ others, ya know?
I would love to join the YMCA, but it's $58.50/mth, plus you have to pay a $80 sign up fee... definitely not in my budget right now
You know, call me crazy...but I was checking out this morning. How I would love to have a trainer like her. Can you tell I watch too much Biggest Loser...LOL
I would sign up for her program also, but you know how that goes...need $$$ for everything...You can't find much for free anymore can you? LOL
Thanks for all the ideas for the MP3 player, I think I might stop by Circuit City over the weekend and pick up a cheap one. I guess if it wasn't for my BF telling me to constantly gain weight...I might of been back a while ago... sometimes he doesn't make me feel good about myself

It's usually all about him. Maybe it's time for me to get some help and talk to someone!
Gayle~ Great job getting out of your slump. My slump been with me for weeks...LOL That's great about your summer clothes...WooHoo!! You are such a inspiration, now I wish I can keep up with you.... LOL I was actually going through some clothes last night as well. My summer clothes are still fitting, but I don't feel comfortable in them, if that makes any sense! I know you said you went through the entire emotional eating, etc. How did you over come this? I know you said that you actually called someone, where can I find some of this info, or would you suggest any books to check out? I am going to buy a few iTrain workouts for the elliptical, which ones do you think are the best?
Melissa~ Sorry to hear about your DH

How is he feeling today? Hey, mini pretzels is as clean as it gets in those darn vending machines .. LOL Hey, Fat Free aren't they! Go get some sleep!! Nite, Nite!!
Belinda~ It's got to be evening their already, huh? How's everything going? My BF has a brother than lives in Germany... My BF (Sandro) is originally from Italy, he moved to the US when he turned 20, all his other family is still there. I remember meeting you on the RT, your daughter is adorable and so, so Pretty!!!
Michelle~ Great job eating clean!! The tape measure and scale are both evil!

I really need to try and just stay away! LOL Hey, vent away... I am official the biggest baby on this board lately! LOL I'm sure you look great! I took my measurements over the weekend, after I was stuffed w/ junk...and I have to say it was not pretty site...LOL YUCK!!! Everything went up on me...Horrible! I'm with you....Let's Do This!!!
Sherry~ Great job on staying clean. That might be a good idea taking magnesium!! That is the worst for me, chocolate,,,YUM!! :9 I hope you feel better. Colds are going around, I think everyone in our office has been sick. I try to keep myself closed in my office, maybe I won't get it...LOL My DD just got over it, so I'm bound to get it.
Thanks, I did make another Orthopedic appt for next Tuesday. I think it might be good for him to look at it. Last time I was there I only saw a Practicing Physician (not saying she wasn't great), but I would love for the doctor to look at it. How did you like the EFL Meatloaf? For some reason, I don't care for it too much. My BF loves it. Definitely with some ketchup it tastes better .. LOL Have a great workout!!
Kathy~ Sounds like you had a great workout!! Have a great day!!
Sorry for the long post...BBL to catch up!
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"