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  1. L

    Anyone suffering from allergies?

    I'M going NUTS!!!! Ragweed sucks and the waether is nice and all but I cannot wait until the first frost to kill it, bring on the cold weather!!! This year is really bad for me, taking eye drops, nasonex and on Claritin after switching to other ones that were not working...anyone have any...
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    Anyone have SnackTaxi or LunchSkins?

    Does anyone use snacktaxi or lunchskins reusable bags? They are in place of ziplicks to put in the kids lunches or ours...I want to order some but don't know which ones are better. Anyone have any? Thanks, Aggie
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    insanity deluxe dvd's

    Does anyone know if you can get the deluxe dvd or dvd's separately...I got the basic package but I'm regretting not getting the deluxe from all the rave reviews and I just love the program but I cannot find it on the website. Aggie
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    What do you do for breakfast?????

    My usual go to breakfast is an ezekiel english muffin with a tablespoon peanut butter and some organic apple butter and some cottage cheese...yum!!!
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    Anyone do Insanity as is, nothing added?

    Has anyone done the rotation w/o adding extra weights or whatever and if so what were your results? I'm loving the program, int end of week 2 and am seeing results and was planning on adding some weights for week 3,4 and maybe recovery and then start month 2 as is as it's longer. My...
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    Any Dental Assistants out there that can give advice???

    Hi Tanya, not an assistant here but I am a hygienist. I needed prerequisites also and I just did an extra year at the school doing the prereq's and any other courses that were not part of the program so it really lightened my load for the 3 year program. I'm in Canada so I'm not sure how it...
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    so who's done the Insanity Fit Test?

    Me too...I started on Monday and it totally kicked my butt!!! I am loving it so far and Shaun T is awesome. My first fit test is: switch kicks 70 power jacks 64 power knees 101 power jumps 48 globe jumps 11 suicide jumps 26 push up jacks 36 low plank obliques 40 (counted both...
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    Sometimes you just need a good burger! (Here's one that's vegan and low carb!)

    I just made this for supper....yum!!! I did tomato, burger, laughing cow, grainy mustard, a mix of spinache and arugula, some spicy eggplant (the kind in the jar...tried to remove as much oil as I could,rinsed) and topped with other tomatoe slice...drizzles a rouch of balsamic on...
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    4 day split kb and bc

    I'm wondering about the intensity of the kickbox and bootcamp sections...I would like to do them back to back and want something that will get my HR right up there. Has anyone done them back to back? Thanks, Aggie
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    insanity fit test and another ?

    When doing the fit test in week 1 and 3 is that all you are doing? Isnt't there 8 moves for one minute anyone adding anything to that day. Also anyone adding weights to the program and if so how are the results...I'm going to be starting soon and I'm not quite sure what to do.
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    any good summer appetizer ideas?

    does any one have any good summer appetizer ideas? We're having a big BBQ on Saturday for my twins 5th bday with friends and family and wanted any good apps, does not have to be low fat etc. Just wanted to change up my repetoire! Thanks, Aggie
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    need advice

    I hear's not easy, but I wake up between 4 and 5 am depending on what type and how long of a workout I'm doing. It's the only time I can fit it in before kids are up etc...I have to be out the door by 7:00am. I also like the fact that it's done and sets the tone for the day...I just...
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    So where are YOU located? :)

    St. Lazare, Quebec, Canada (30 min from Montreal)
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    anyone not following the insanity rotation?

    Cynthia, didn't you add in 4-day split is that going?
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    Insanity before CLX?

    Hi everyone, I just finished a p90x rotation and am waiting for Insanity to come...I thought I would do this first and then get CLX and hopefully do that with Shock Cardio if it comes at the same time...what do you think?
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    Summer reading

    Love, love, love the Twilight series, also couldn't put them down...only problem is that there are no more...I wish there were like 10 more books cause now I don't want to read anything else or know what else to read!!!
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    total fitness dvds?!

    I just went back to her site and you can still order but now you're directed to the beachbody site under coach now I guess I'll have to pay crazy shipping fees and I'm in Canada's going to cost me and to think I want to get CLX after also! Anyone from Canada
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    total fitness dvds?!

    I just found out that you can't order any BB stuff with Mary that true??? I went on her site and all BB was removed, just when I'm about to order Insanity....does anyone know more? What happened?!
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    Jillian, CLX or other??

    If I do Jillian, what would you suggest that I do in one week with the 3 dvd's? Aggie
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    Jillian, CLX or other??

    Hey everyone, hoping to get some advice as I can't decide for the life of me!!! Okay so I'm just finishing up p90x and looking to start something else and don't know what to get. I'm thinking of CLX with some extra cardio or getting Jillian's 3 dvd's, or wait for Insanity...what do you think...