Search results

  1. L

    4-Day Split Preview Party. Are you excited??

    I'm happy I'll be getting them and I'll preview them right away, but it may be a while before I actually do the workouts. I'm a little weird that way. I always have to get in on a Cathe preorder, but with the last two series it took months before I tried them. In fact, I think I've only done...
  2. L

    Night Shift - fitting in Cathe?

    From one fellow nurse to another, is this your first nursing job? I've been in the profession for more years than I care to mention, but after working full time for 15 years I took some time off to be a SAHM. Now, I just started back to work in a rehab facility doing per diem on the day shift...
  3. L

    After Cathe...Is Everyone Else Too Easy?

    Come to think of it, I think this question should be moved over to the Open Discussion forum as we're discussing other instructors, not really talking about Cathe workouts...:-)
  4. L

    After Cathe...Is Everyone Else Too Easy?

    Cathe is the instructor I reach for the most for many reasons, but I can be challenged with workouts like P90X, Barry's Bootcamp and Amy Bento. Have you tried any of them?
  5. L

    Which one

    Andrea, if your main objective is to tone up and lose weight and you have time constraints, I highly recommend her CTX series. Or, you might want to wait until this new series is released, which is suppose to be very similiar to CTX. CTX is the series I always reach for when I have a busy week...
  6. L

    amy bento

    Quite a few people on are ordering them but I'm planning on waiting until the reviews come out. Of the three in her last series I only like one, Hi-Lo Ex. I know she likes to use a lot of equipment and that concerns me. I'll wait for the reviews.
  7. L

    Slim Series? Anyone Like This?

    I tried a SS rotation but got bored after a few weeks and just couldn't continue. I didn't get rid of them though. They're great for taking on vacation because they don't require much equipment and the workouts don't need much space. This way, I don't have to worry about losing the fitness...
  8. L

    "10 Exercises that Suck...

    RE: I agree about stomach crunches. Even on the floor I can do a million, using strict form, and not feel a thing. I prefer to do full sit ups, making sure my back is completely straight as I pull up, so as not to strain my lower back. I can only knock off a few of those and I always feel it...
  9. L

    Barry's BootCamp....yeowza!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who found these tough. I thought I was just getting old. Then I thought it was because I hadn't done Cathe in awhile before doing this series and was just out of shape. On a positive note, After a month of a Barry rotation I went back to Cathe and Drill Max...
  10. L

    Overall Review of Barrys Bootcamp

    I pretty much agree with your review. Which instructor are you talking about? Doesn't Barry teach the total body workout? It's been awhile since I've done these. One of the reasons I fell in love with this series was because once I got to know what weight to use I got a killer weight workout...
  11. L

    Drill Max will be my next purchase.

    I think this is Cathe's toughest circuit workout. It kicks my butt every time I do it. I love the functional fitness components in it. I hope she puts out a Drill Max 2 someday!
  12. L

    Which workout did you not like at first, but now do and why?

    RE: Which workout did you not like at first, but now do... I still can't warm up to Low Max and I probably never will, but I'm keeping it because...ya never know! However, I felt the same way as Kathryn did about Kick Max. I hated it initally and put it away for a year. Now, I've been...
  13. L

    Review of Barrys Bootcamp Shoulders and Back

    I haven't done this one in a while, but I remember it being my favorite of the bunch. I also like Joey as an instructor.;)
  14. L

    Bootcamp Bonus Combo workout!!

    This is my favorite combo. I even like it better than the Terminator workouts.
  15. L

    Barry's Boot Camp on Major Clearance

    I only do the weight work. Cathe's cardio is manic enough. I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I attempted Barry's!
  16. L

    Lookie what the FedEx Man just delivered

    I guess I'm happy for you. But I was hoping you'd say he delivered the new Cathe series!
  17. L

    any idea where to buy orig firm vol 1 dvd?

    I searched high and low for it a couple of months ago because I didn't want to have to buy it from Firm Direct, but the only place I could find it was at Amazon and the seller there wanted $40 for it! So, I bit the bullet and ordered it from FD. They charged close to $7 for shipping and it was...
  18. L

    Barry's Boot Camp on Major Clearance

    I think I paid $29 a couple of months ago for these and they were definitely worth it. Most of the workouts have 30 min of weight training and 20-30 min of hi-impact floor cardio and 30 min of treadmill work. I usually did my own cardio because it's quite intense. As I recall the weight...
  19. L

    Leaner is Meaner!

    It's meaner, but it's one of the few leg workouts I can do. Probably because it's shorter than the others, even though it packs a punch!
  20. L

    uncontrollable muscle twitching?

    Tonic water helps when my eyelid starts twitching. It may work for muscular twitching too.