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  1. L

    60 minutes...

    I have mixed feeling about this. While I think fast food restaurants should have the nutritional info listed because most of the food is prepared ahead of time, it's very hard to control other types of restaurants. Do you really think chefs will list the stick of butter they add to the...
  2. L

    Rob Glick - Amazing Step Styles Review

    I absolutely love Amazing Step Styles. It's a super fun workout and it always puts me in a good mood when I do it. I was happy to see a couple of the moves from that workout in Cathe's latest. Don't remember if it was HIS or LIS, but I remember watching it on preview and thinking "hey that...
  3. L

    Looking for opinions on your very favorite....

    My favorite circuit workouts are Bootcamp, Drill Max, High Step Challenge and the Terminator DVD. Body Max 2 is another favorite and I don't think the cardio is too difficult to pick up. Besides, the premixes on this DVD are awesome!
  4. L

    Advice on which DVD's to get

    Where's the rest day? You should take one day off and just stretch or do some gentle yoga. Don't forget, Drill Max has weight work in it too. You might want to place it between your Treadmill interval days and GS Legs. I don't like to work my shoulders two days in a row, which is what you'll...
  5. L

    Advice on which DVD's to get

    Well, if that's the case I would do the GS workouts twice a week, Drill Max once a week and long walks three times a week. Once a week I would do treadmill intervals where you walk for a few minutes as a warm up, then do an all out sprint for a minute (or at a pace you can tolerate, but it...
  6. L

    Advice on which DVD's to get

    What other Cathe workouts do you own? Since you're fitness goal is to get in shape for a four month hike I would think you'd want to focus on endurance. Then again, you'll need a strong upper body to carry all your gear. Circuit workouts are great for endurance and GS will certainly build...
  7. L

    What is your pre-Holiday week workout agenda?

    Lets see, today DH and I went for a 2.5 hour hike. Tomorrow I'll do Cathe's 4D Split UB and Squeeze legs and abs. Monday Gin's Intense Moves or a similar interval workout, Tuesday a circuit workout, and Wednesday I'll top it off with Body Max 2 in it's entirety. Thursday I'll be having a...
  8. L

    Exercise and libido???

    I have days when I'm filled with energy and days when I can't get my butt off the couch. Regardless, I always make sure I get to bed early if I want a little fun.:)
  9. L

    Why do I still care so much about high school?

    I was a "geek" in high school. I had friends (some I still keep in contact with) but there was this one kid who was always teasing me. He was such an a**hole. Twenty years later he meets me at a party and his mouth just dropped! He couldn't believe I was the same girl he brutalized in high...
  10. L

    Ab Workouts

    Since I have all the workouts on DVD I couldn't justify getting Ab Hit's. I love Core Max for that reason alone. If you don't have most of her workouts I'd get Ab Hits for the time factor alone. My favorite ab workout of hers is the one from CTX Kickboxing.
  11. L

    Exercise and libido???

    Oh yeah! The 40's are fantastic! I had a low libido in my 20's and 30's but I'm making up for it now! :7 And yes, the more I exercise the more I want it!
  12. L


    My DH wouldn't ever do a Cathe workout, although he has the up most respect for her and knows she's tough. The other day I was doing an Amy Bento workout and he comes over to the TV asking me "who's that Cathe imposter?" It was kind of cute because sometimes you just don't think they notice.
  13. L

    Now that the DH is gone...

    My DH has been going on week long business trips to Japan every other month for about a year and I must say, it's kind of nice when he goes! I have remote control rights in our family so that's never been an issue, but it's nice not having to worry about dinner. Plus I can do two hour workouts...
  14. L

    So distraught....

    I know how you feel. I couldn't fit into a pair of pants I wore last year and it depressed me to no end. Not to mention those awful three-way mirrors coupled with florescent lighting in department store dressing rooms. Don't they get it??? You won't sell bathing suits in that enviornment...
  15. L

    Sorry, I didn't like...

    I like BBC, love the music--I think Barry wrote it himself because he's on the music credits and I know he has a music background--but the two I like least are Legs and Chest. I forgot the guy who leads chest but he doesn't have the best camera presence and his "up, down" annoys me. I rarely...
  16. L

    11/1 Cathe-ites DAILY challenge !!!

    Crap! I've been away from the party for too long and just noticed this thread. Too late for me today. I just ate two chocolate chip cookies after lunch. Maybe I'll challenge myself tomorrow.
  17. L

    Amy's A-Team Bootcamp or Cathe's Original BC?

    I love Amy's BC because it's different from Cathe's, and just as tough. The one thing I can't stand on it is the whooping she does, but I just keep the volume down. I'm grateful she listened to her fans and toned it down on her next workouts! I don't remember specific exercises but in Amy's...
  18. L

    embracing paleness

    I have reddish brown hair and fair skin and I worshipped the sun as a teenager, back in the 80's. I began to avoid it in my early 20's and started wearing sunblock. In my early 30's I was diagnosed with a basal cell carcinoma. I have a little scar on my cheek because the doctor had to cut...
  19. L

    ? about the bar method

    Squeeze is definitely a ramped up version of BM. Another series I love is Lotte Berk. There's 4 DVD's in the series and while the main workouts are strictly for beginners (or I use them when I'm going back to barre workouts after a long hiatus) on each DVD there's a bonus workout about 10 min...
  20. L

    ? about the bar method

    You can't compare Cathe workouts or P90X to the Bar Method or Squeeze. The workouts are like night and day. If you pay strict attention to form and really squeeze your inner muscles, trust me, you'll feel it the next day! In fact, the more you do these barre type workouts, the harder they...