? about the bar method

I have the Bar Method, but not Squeeze. My impression, from what I've read, is that the BM is easier than Squeeze. I used the BM when I first tried ballet type workouts. It was a perfect workout for me because the tempo was slow allowing for more controlled moves. However, after finishing a round of P90X and not doing any barre workouts for 90 days, the BM is too easy for me. I'm thinking about downloading the iballet workouts and buying Squeeze later on down the road.

I agree this was too easy. I rented it first and I'm glad I did. The arm segment was a joke. I would venture to say that anyone who does Cathe workouts regularly would not find this challenging.

You can't compare Cathe workouts or P90X to the Bar Method or Squeeze. The workouts are like night and day. If you pay strict attention to form and really squeeze your inner muscles, trust me, you'll feel it the next day! In fact, the more you do these barre type workouts, the harder they get. I do Cathe and the X, but nothing gets me as sore in my lower body and leaves me with wicked DOMS as barre type workouts.
Oh, I agree. They are like night and day. I think form is so important with barre type workouts, which was why I liked BM as a beginner. I don't think my form was off when I did the BM after the X. I think I was so out of shape pre-X and new to Cathe that the BM worked better for me then. It was the perfect tempo for me to focus on my form. Now, I think I'm ready for a higher tempo since form isn't much of an issue for me anymore.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I wasn't comparing Cathe to The Bar Method. For me, after having worked out with Cathe for a year and then trying TBM, I found it too easy. Squeeze, on the other hand is challenging. I have several other workouts along the same vein that are just as difficult but for some reason TBM just didn't do it for me.

Squeeze is definitely a ramped up version of BM. Another series I love is Lotte Berk. There's 4 DVD's in the series and while the main workouts are strictly for beginners (or I use them when I'm going back to barre workouts after a long hiatus) on each DVD there's a bonus workout about 10 min. long and those workouts are tough. Sometimes I string them all together for a 20 min. burn. They're awesome! They were going to make more advanced workouts, but unfortunately, the LB studios in NY and CA closed.
Annette Bethel

I have both Bar Method and Callanetics. I tried them and there okay for slow/rest days.But I haven't tried Squeeze. I still Super Callanetics for sale on Firm Yayas. I enjoyed Kari Anderson's Reach and Ellen Barretts for slow/rest days, though.

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