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  1. L

    favorite wine

    I never met an Australian wine I didn't like!
  2. L

    Who recommend - chicken, salsa, crock pot?

    I guess I'm the only dissenter. I've tried this recipe twice and didn't think it was all that great. Chicken breasts get tough and chewy in the crock pot. I think cooking them for 6 hours on low is just too long.
  3. L

    How many close or over 40 had to....

    I'm 44 and have always been in pretty good shape, since I've been an active exerciser since my twenties. I have more muscle definition in my arms now and I got it from doing a P90X rotation a year ago. I've been able to maintain it by continuing to lift heavy, and doing lots of pushups and...
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    LauraMax, Where Are You? Miss Your Posts. Thanks.

    RE: janie...always so full of wisdom! I don't think it's getting ugly. It just reminds me so much of high school!
  5. L

    What non-Cathe DVDs have you pre-ordered?

    I preordered Amy's Kickboxing and CIA workouts, as well as Tracey's Strike Zone and Circuit workouts. I'm avoiding any core or weight workouts 'cuz I figured I'll get enough of that with the STS series.
  6. L

    Is it better to stick with a series or jump around?

    Due to my need for variety I can count on two fingers how many rotations I've ever completed. I usually jump from series to series, mixing and matching. That said, the two times I did complete those rotations I saw awesome results. I'm making an effort now to stick to one style of weight...
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    LauraMax, Where Are You? Miss Your Posts. Thanks.

    Hey, if you want to be honest, then be prepared to hear differences of opinion. While I like this forum, the sensitivity radar can be way off the charts. Someone is always being offended. I think more people need to lighten up around here! Just my honest opinion! Take it or leave it!:)
  8. L

    Who's preordering Tracey's upcoming workouts?

    At the eleventh hour I ordered her Circuit and Strike Zone workouts. I hope they live up to their hype. I don't have any Tracey's but I'm willing to give her a try. I would have ordered more but I have Cathe and Amy on preorder, and a girl has to draw the line somewhere!
  9. L

    Do you have a "work uniform"?

    RE: Do you have a Being a nurse my work uniform is scrubs. They completely suit my personality because I'm very casual and outdoorsy. Occasionally they'll have dress down day when you can wear street clothes to work, but there's no way I'll put on a pair of jeans because my scrubs are so...
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    *I'm* the oldies now? Heehee!

    I've heard lots of great new songs from bands I wouldn't have known existed if I didn't have Sirius radio. My favorite station is Left of Center. I also like Coffee House.
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    Amy Bento Presale

    I ordered too. I'm hoping there's some good premixes in them that will compliment the STS series!
  12. L

    Yoga Booty Ballet

    Well, you may like it, but I'm not a fan. I got a couple free ones when I ordered some Turbo Jam workouts. YBB was just not for me. I found them way too easy and there wasn't much yoga in them. Not to mention I felt ridiculous doing some of the moves. You may like them, because they were a...
  13. L

    *I'm* the oldies now? Heehee!

    The time is flying, that's for sure. I've been exposed to some great new music--thank God for satellite radio, but I'm also pretty thankful that I lived in a time when some of the greatest bands were just starting out, and I saw them in concert when they were still trying to make the scene...
  14. L

    STS - Do you plan to preorder?

    I wasn't going to preorder but after thinking long and hard (about 20 minutes!:P ) I went ahead and ordered. After all, if I don't like them I'm sure I can re-sell them for the preorder price. The other deciding factor was that I got awesome results from P90X, but after two months of doing...
  15. L

    STS - Do you plan to preorder?

    I know I'm going to end up preordering, but I'm not as excited about these workouts as I have been about her other stuff. I've done the X and it takes lots of commitment and drive. I'm sure these will too and I remember the dread factor in X after doing it for a couple of months. I hope I...
  16. L

    Tracey Staehle announces "Walking Strong" workout!!

    RE: Tracey Staehle announces I'm glad I'm not tempted. I have a treadmill but rarely use it. It's old and won't incline unless I jump off the thing and manually incline it. Besides, I'd rather take it outdoors. I prefer walking in the snow to walking indoors!
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    Well, I may be in the minority with those who responded but I got better results doing BBC. I think the workouts are harder and they pack a lot of punch. The only workout on 4D that challenged me was Bootcamp. Sure Cathe is a better instructor, but I just love the sequencing of exercises in...
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    Jari Love's Ripped 1000

    Ripped and Chiseled (which is fresh on my mind because I recently did it) has a good amount of upper body work, including back. Slim and Lean does also, but for some reason I like R&C better. They're very similiar so you don't need both. All of her workouts are nicely chaptered so it's easy...
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    Why are we all fighting lately?

    Well, I've been a member of this board for more years than I care to remember. I don't take it seriously! Considering all the topics that are posted on the OD, you're bound to piss off someone eventually. If people choose to leave because they're highly offended when someone argues with them...
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    OT:Nicole Kidman Preggers

    Baylien, I see you don't need a defense as you're quite capable of defending yourself! lol! BTW, you don't need to warn us that it's an OT. This forum is for open discussions and I've seen lots of topics on the OD about celebrity pregnancies, drug addictions, jail sentences, and other such...