Is it better to stick with a series or jump around?


I just answered someone else's question in another post and sparked one of my own!

Typically, I jump around amongst the series and basically mix and match throghout the month. I might use gym styles one week, pyramids the next, body blast the next, etc. In other words, I never stick with one series for more than a week (two at the most).

Do you think it's better to stick with a series for a few weeks before moving on to another or to jump around like I described above?
Oh good lord! I never stick with a series and stay with it for weeks. For starters, I don't like every workout in every series and I refuse to do things I hate. Please, life is too short. I chop and change as regularly as the weather. The only amount of regularity lies in the fact that every week I am doing GS legs, PLB legs and S&H legs. But as you can see, even within the consistency, there is variety. As far as cardio is concerned, I have absolutely no patience with doing anything prescribed by anybody else.

If it keeps you moving, do whatever the h*** you d*** well want!

i jump around all of the time. one week i do GS the next S&H then 4DS and then i will do 3 full body workouts one week. this way i can use all of cahte's workouts
See, that's the thing....It works for me now (I am basically in maintenance, though struggling with a few holiday/injury pounds right now) but I wonder if I will get better results if I stick to a series rather than jumping around - ?
>See, that's the thing....It works for me now (I am basically
>in maintenance, though struggling with a few holiday/injury
>pounds right now) but I wonder if I will get better results if
>I stick to a series rather than jumping around - ?

Hi Christine,

I've been doing three-week rotations, and they seem to be working well for me. I like having the structure of a rotation to follow, and three weeks seems to be the perfect amount of time for me so that I don't get bored. Doing so also lets me see which of Cathe's series seems to give me better results.

I just finished three weeks of Slow & Heavy (with 2-3 days of cardio), followed by three weeks of Gym Styles (with 2-3 days of cardio), and now I'm doing three weeks of the new 4DS (with one extra day of cardio).

I feel like I get better results this way just because it makes me more consistent. Doing weights three days a week also really helped me lose weight when I first started working out this way back in August.

ETA: I was just thinking that if you're been jumping around a lot, you might just try doing the same series for a few weeks, just to see how your body reacts. You've got nothing to lose, right?!:)

Hope this helps!:)
I have been wondeirng this myself lately. I used to pick one of Cathe's videos for each body part and do it for an entire month, then switch it up. I liked the consistency of that program.
The past two months or so I have been doing a different one every workout or every other. I have even made up my own and stuck them in there as well.
Someimes I feel like doing something different EVERY time is not as beneficial as getting your muscles into a pattern for a couple weeks THEN switching it up to kick them into a different gear.
It would be nice for someone to shed some light on this topic, Id also like to know if there are facts on these concepts and how muscles take to these, or if it is an individual, where everyone is different thing.
Due to my need for variety I can count on two fingers how many rotations I've ever completed. I usually jump from series to series, mixing and matching.

That said, the two times I did complete those rotations I saw awesome results. I'm making an effort now to stick to one style of weight training for a month to see if that will make a difference. I'll satisfy my need for variety by mixing the cardio around. If I can do this consistently, maybe I'll feel better about spending all that money on the STS presale!
I also another that jumps around on Cathe's workouts. I really never plan my rotations for more than 2 to 3 days at a time too. :)

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